Hi all,
I have an error in my code with the function ACAPI_RegisterModelessWindow :
if (ACAPI_RegisterModelessWindow (dialID, PaletteAPIControlCallBack,
API_PalEnabled_FloorPlan + API_PalEnabled_Section + API_PalEnabled_Elevation +
API_PalEnabled_InteriorElevation + API_PalEnabled_Detail + API_PalEnabled_Worksheet + API_PalEnabled_3D + API_PalEnabled_Layout) != NoError)
DBPrintf ("Test:: ACAPI_RegisterModelessWindow failed\n");
So, with this code I test if the function is correctly executed.
But since API 16 the function doesn't work and I have this message : "No matching function for call ACAPI_RegisterModelessWindow".
Can anybody help me ?