I am trying to save as an IFC file in ArchiCAD 22.
But I got the APIERR_BADWINDOW error code from ACAPI_Automate(APIDo_SaveID, &fsp, &pars_ifc).
The following are the parameters entered before running ACAPI_Automate.
GS::UniString filePath = L"C:\\...............ifc";
API_FileSavePars fsp;
API_SavePars_Ifc pars_ifc;
BNZeroMemory(&fsp, sizeof(API_FileSavePars));
BNZeroMemory(&pars_ifc, sizeof(API_SavePars_Ifc));
fsp.fileTypeID = APIFType_IfcFile;
fsp.file = new IO::Location(filePath);
pars_ifc.subType = API_IFC;
I don't know why I got this error.
It works on the computer I've been developing on, but I get errors on a few other computers.