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Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

Edge status parameter in "API_EdgeID"




I am trying to save morph as object. but encountered a problem related to the status of edge. When I use the edge.status variable, the result is not the same as when I save as object like Archicad software. Let me know how to fix it. Sorry my english is not good.




It's a bit hard to help with that little information. A reduced code example might be useful for the investigation.
But I have two comments:

  • When you step through the code with a debugger, what is the value of the component.edge.status for the edge in question? (This is to rule out that the Do_ToString function has a bug).
  • It seems https://archicadapi.graphisoft.com/documentation/3d-manager is obsolete and recommends to check out the ModelAccess_Test example. Maybe give it a try via that interface.