I need to know How to get Favorite object and dimension marker by Name selected ??
I found the function "ACAPI_Favorite_GetDefaults ()" but when I used this function. and change the defult by used the function "ACAPI_Element_ChangeDefaults ()", some parameters are failed or error such as the dimension marker.
The Dimension Marker always show only the default but not show my favorite selection.this is my code.
GS::UniString name_Fav = gSelectionName;
short indexs_Fav = 0;
API_Element element, elemmarker, mask;
API_ElementMemo memo, memomarker;
BNZeroMemory (&element, sizeof (API_Element));
element.header.typeID = gCurrentTypeID;
element.header.variationID = gCurrentVarID;
element.header.index = index_list;
BNZeroMemory (&memo, sizeof (API_ElementMemo));
BNZeroMemory (&elemmarker, sizeof (API_Element));
BNZeroMemory (&memomarker, sizeof (API_ElementMemo));
err = ACAPI_Favorite_GetDefaults(&element, &memo, &elemmarker, &memomarker, &name_Fav, &indexs_Fav);
err = ACAPI_Element_ChangeDefaults (&element, &memomarker, &mask);
I can't get the help of the ACAPI_Favorite_XX Function, who know where can I read the help of them?
I need anyone who can help me solve the problem, please.