License Delivery maintenance is expected to occur on Saturday, November 30, between 8 AM and 11 AM CET. This may cause a short 3-hours outage in which license-related tasks: license key upload, download, update, SSA validation, access to the license pool and Graphisoft ID authentication may not function properly. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

IFC question

Not applicable
I'm exporting an IFC file from ArchiCAD 16. I notice that if I go into an element's properties and select "Manage IFC Properties" and then select some items (I tried the PSet_Warranty ones) by clicking the check box, then those elements will appear in the output IFC file and will also be visible in the properties list in the ACAPI_Element_GetIFCProperties function.

Now, I would really like to get those properties exported (and available)for all elements in the model. So I went to the IFC Manager, selected the Building in the project hierarchy and then checked all the checkboxes in the PSet_Warranty set. But when I do that, it just seems to ignore the selection. I still only get the values set for the element(s) where I set it manually.

How can I get all these properties exported for all elements?
