I am trying to rebuild a project from ArchiCAD 10 to ArchiCAD 13. When I finished converting all the codes and about to launch ArchiCAD in Debug Mode, I got this a window saying:
Debugging information for 'ArchiCAD.exe' cannot be found or does not match. No symbols loaded. Do you want to continue debugging? yes/no
I chose yes, then, it generates this msg in the Dissembly window and stopped there...
> ArchiCAD.exe!00000001434fc520()
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ArchiCAD.exe]
I used to get this part quite easily with Visual Studio 2003 by just entering
"C:\Program Files\Graphisoft\ArchiCAD 10\ArchiCAD.exe" into the "Command" column under the "Debugging" Tab of the Project Property Page.
I tried to enter:
"C:\Program Files\Graphisoft\ArchiCAD 13\ArchiCAD.exe"
into the Debugging Tab's "Command" column inside the Project Propery Page but I got no luck.
Please can anyone help me on this? Really appreciate.