I'm trying to export the ArchiCAD 12 model to my own file type. But I encounter some problem when I export the curtain wall data.
I used the ACAPI_Element_GetElemList to get the Api_Guid list, but only the API_CurtainWallID type elements can be get, while the others such as API_CurtainWallFrameID,API_CurtainWallPanelID etc. can not be get. Is there any way in which I could get frame or panel elements which belong to one curtain wall?
And I also had tried to use ACAPI_Element_Filter_Index with APIFilt_OnVisLayer|APIFilt_OnActFloor to get the curtain wall frame and panel element in one story, but only the middle parts could be get, while the top and bottom parts of curtain wall lost. Is this an bug from API toolkit 12? How could I fix this problem, or is there any workground?