Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

[SOLVED] Issue related with Picture displaying

Not applicable
I show an image programmatically in my Dialog picture
Problem is that picture result is a black frame

Here is my code

resource file
'GDLG'	32500	Modal   0	 0	    425   330		"Settings" {
/* [  1] */ Picture            19    12     64    64  400    ClientEdge		/* user picture */
'DLGH'  32500  DLG_32500_Settings {
1	""							userImage
C++ code
NewDisplay::NativeImage SettingsDialog::setNativeImageSize(const NewDisplay::NativeImage& image)
	if (image == NULL) 
		return image; 
	NewDisplay::NativeImage retVal (64, 64, image); 
	NewDisplay::NativeContext context = retVal.GetContext (); 

	context.DrawImage (image, 19, 12, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false); 

	retVal.ReleaseContext (context);

	return retVal;

void SettingsDialog::setDefaultImage(const char* targetPath)

	IO::Location locationToPic(targetPath);
	GX::Image myGXImage (locationToPic); 

	NewDisplay::NativeImage tmpNativeImage = this->setNativeImageSize(myGXImage.ToNativeImage());
	myGXImage = GX::Image (tmpNativeImage);

	const void* dgPicture = myGXImage.ToDGPicture ();  
	DGSetItemImage (IID_SETTINGS, IDP_USER_IMAGE, DG::Picture (dgPicture));

I want to display always with a static size w-64, h-64, x-19, y-12
Result always a black frame
Please look at attached picture


Tamas Zolnai
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
As I see the problem is that you use NativeImage::DrawImage on the wrong way. You need something similar to this:

float wScale = 64.0f / image.GetWidth();
float hScale = 64.0f / image.GetHeight();
context.DrawImage (image, wScale, hScale, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false);
The second and third parameters are the scaling values, which you should use to make your image fit into the drawing area.
The x=19 and y= 12 positions are not needed here, they are already specified in the resource file.
Tamás Zolnai
Not applicable
Tamás wrote:
As I see the problem is that you use NativeImage::DrawImage on the wrong way. You need something similar to this:

float wScale = 64.0f / image.GetWidth();
float hScale = 64.0f / image.GetHeight();
context.DrawImage (image, wScale, hScale, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false);
The second and third parameters are the scaling values, which you should use to make your image fit into the drawing area.
The x=19 and y= 12 positions are not needed here, they are already specified in the resource file.
Thank you for the help. Now it works ))

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