I've some problems with loading AddIns.
If I compile a API Example (plan_dump) with the DEMO Keys and try to load it in german DEMO Version I get an error:
"Das Add-On kann nicht freigeschalten werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Distributor."
english: "Unable to activate AddOn..."
As I read in documentation, this can be caused by the MDID
- I use the DEMO Keys with german DEMO?
Or dependencies
- The apx file has a dependency to MSVCR80D.DLL may this cause problems?
Can I obtain detaild information why loading failed?
Some ideas?
Thanks marc
Additionally I applicate for developer programm to get my own MDID.
API Dev. Kit 13.2517
ArchiCAD DEMO german 13.0.0 Build 3000
VS 2005