Collaboration with other software
About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.

Archicad to Sturctural packages- IMPORT/EXPORT

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I was wondering has anyone had an experience with exporting models to structural packages and back again to Archicad???? Tekla, SAP, ETABS, ROBOT, SCIA, RSTAB&RFEM, FEM design, RISA....

Any kind of information will be great because i`ve searched the forum and googled and NOTHING specific came up...

This is important part of documentation can`t belive that this is not addressed This connection will sell Archicad because flatlanders will have one more reason to switch, a huge one in my humble opinion.

Guys this is a big one along with MEP or connection with specialized MEP solutions like DDS.

Personally as an architect i want this more than custom profile calculations or curved profiles or super turbo cool tools with total modeling freedom, this thing is bigger than any tool in archicad because this closes the circle of complete BIM solution for architecture something we all should strive for....
David Larrew
Currently, GS isn't pursuing "consultant" solutions (Structural, MEP, Civil, etc.). They are relying on the future of IFC file sharing.

IFC (industry foundation classes) seems be the future standard for "BIM" data exchange. Unfortunately, there are major inconsistencies between software packages claiming to be "IFC compliant".

Also check out:

What file exchange format are you using? (.DWG, .DXF, .IFC, etc.)
David Larrew, AIA, GDLA, GSRC

Architectural Technology Specialist

a r c h i S O L U T I O N S

WIN7-10/ OSX 10.15.7

AC 5.1-25 USA
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David wrote:
Currently, GS isn't pursuing "consultant" solutions (Structural, MEP, Civil, etc.). They are relying on the future of IFC file sharing.

IFC (industry foundation classes) seems be the future standard for "BIM" data exchange. Unfortunately, there are major inconsistencies between software packages claiming to be "IFC compliant".

Yes I know that IFC is the future standard but as you said major inconsistences are big problem right now. Discarding "consultant" solutions is bad move, making plugin and link it to major i repeat MAJOR not all solutions( for now i will settle just for structural and mep) would be a BIG PUSH FORWARD.

David wrote:

What file exchange format are you using? (.DWG, .DXF, .IFC, etc.)

Well in my country major part of market is using local structural package without IFC and i doubt they will ever have it and MEP is done in AutoCAD. So the exchange format is DWG. I tried some tests with Archicad to Allplan with medium results.

So i`am on a search to close the circle and hoping you all could give me some clues about your experiences, is it IFC exchange or PLUGIN to specific application doesn't matter

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We have imported Archicad models to FEM Design using the dedicated fdx file format. This worked reasonably well. The latest version of FEM design supports IFC but we haven't tested that yet.

We have also used IFC to import models to Tekla Structures. This is however only a background reference model, you still have to model everything again from scratch in Tekla. There is a more direct link to Tekla available, but it seems only to convert steel elements not concrete, and requires the Archicad user to use a special library for their steel components.

I have no experience of returning such models to Archicad. Though Tekla can export IFC files.

Still looking?

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