Does anyone use the Road or Pavement tools with Architerra? I've found that the program works really well creating the mesh from dxf. However, the tools for roads and pavements etc. don't work so good. I'm using ArchiCAD 13 on a 64 bit machine. It comes up with wacky results and error messages.
I have had better luck creating the mesh and then performing the Solid Element Operations myself. The only drawback is that the operators and targets are associative. So, I have to save the individual roads and pavings as objects in order to stack them on top of one another in order to get curbs and gutters etc.
I wish I could get Architerra to work properly. Otherwise I'm relegated to doing things my own way and using the create mesh utility only. The good part is...that utility is fully functional in the demo version.
Any sugestions would be appreciated.