not yet man,,...... we are all waiting for a few months...
there are some method is that using AC 11 to import the skp model, then use AC12 to open that AC11 file.
and there are some method to convert skp to 3ds, which 3ds file can be imported to AC12 , but complicated.
Here is an complex alternative to convert skp to 3ds:
Export the model as Google Earth (*.kmz)
Rename the file to *.ZIP.
Open with ZIP archiver of choice.
You 'll see a txt doc with list of used textures (if any), a *.kml file which is a Google earth mark-up language (XML) file, and...
a *.DAE file.
DAE is acutally a COLLADA file which you can open with Blender, and export to any format that Blender( free 3D software from web) supports.
then export to 3Ds.