Introducing new user identification to the API of Archicad 26 Update 5 and Archicad 27 Update 3

Archicad 26 received cloud license compatibility with its Update 5, and Archicad 27 in Update 3. With these updates, we are also introducing a new way for the add-ons to identify the users using cloud licensing.

Cloud licensing works differently compared to the CodeMeter software and hardware keys. Thus, the same user identification information and the number of seats a license has are unavailable. The concept of serial or configuration number (also known as the container code) does not apply to this new license technology.


We introduce two alternative identifiers to the Archicad API as an alternative to the configuration number. From now on, you can query the signed-in user’s identifier and the identifiers of the organizations (also known as companies) this user is a member of.



GSErrCode ACAPI_Protection_GetGSIDUserId (GS::UniString& userId);
GSErrCode ACAPI_Protection_GetGSIDOrganizationIds (std::set<GS::UniString>& organizationIds);



The functions return NoError on success, APIERR_GENERAL if no user is signed in currently, and APIERR_NOTSUPPORTED if Archicad is an older build not that does not support these identifiers yet (applicable for AC 26 pre-update 5 and AC 27 pre-update 3 only). If you explicitly need this information from your users, please ask them to update their Archicad 26 or 27 to their latest versions.

In some situations you may receive empty organizationIds, because the Graphisoft ID login information is cached for a certain period of time. Please ask the user to sign out and sign back in; the organization ID should come through after that if the user has the proper Archicad 26 or 27 build.


These identifiers are stable; the same result is returned for the same user and organization even if queried from different Archicad versions and computers.

It's important to note that the actual content of these identifiers does not have any meaning; that is, it’s impossible to infer the organization’s or the user’s name, e-mail address, or any other personal information. However, you can ask users to explicitly provide these identifiers corresponding to their account and organization if a specific use case requires this (e.g., entitlement management). Users can see the value of their identifiers on the company management portal, referred to as “Unique ID”.

Even though these were introduced to provide an alternative for the configuration number, they are not tied to license technology, identity, or content. For example, they are queryable even in demo mode, given the user is signed in with a GSID account in Archicad.

For Archicad 26 Update 5, we released an updated version of the API Development Kit, making these two new functions available. For Archicad 27, we have also updated the development kit along with the Archicad 27.3.0. Archicad 28 supports this new user identification from day one.