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ArchiCAD deleting viewsets!

Some Help or suggestions here would be greatly appreciated.

I have a teamwork project running in AC9. This project has hundreds of viewsets... well at least it used to... ArchiCAD has somehow deleted random viewsets. Only random section and or detail viewsets to be exact. All the viewsets created from the plan view are intact.

This is not a case of someone accidently deleting them either. There are a few of the vieswets left, but it has deleted the majority of them. Everything is intact on the project map, just the viewsets are gone!

This can't be a sharing problem with the viewsets cause they were all created as the Team Leader. And they were just there yesterday, hell i think they were there this morning. Sometime today they disappeared. It's a little hard to pinpont when they got deleted beacuse they are anywhere from 1-8 people working on the project at the same time. I keep the last 10 autosaves but it happened before that because they all were missing the viewsets.

Could have plotmaker somehow gone back through and deleted them? How could this have happened? Anyone have any help and or suggestions?

Now i have to go figure out what is going to take less time.. Go through the tape backup and get the latest one with the viewsets intact and just copy changed information back into the project? since Graphisoft had the great foresight to include the "feature" that enables you NOT to import viewsets into a project. Or do I take all the time to recreate that many viewsets? With a deadline approaching on a 20million $$ project in less than a week and many people working long hours this is a bit of a problem... Were talking almost a hundred sections, 100 casework elevations, plan details, notes.... etc. etc....

This is the second time this has happened (the first time there were far less viewsets), and now i'm about to resort to drastic measures. Like moving to Autodesk products. I hate the "evil empire" as much as the next guy. But AC9 has been very unstable for me in teamwork mode and Plotmaker seems to give me fits everytime i turn around (especially in a teamwork application). Its getting frustrating.

AC9 running on Winblows
Andy Thomson
Yet another victim of this clever feature are we, only we discovered this post too late. In fact we had the pleasure of experiencing not only random section and detail deletion but also floorplans!

And this has nothing to do with the 'show my workspace only' option.

We found this feature deletes any time the Team Leader function is signed in with another username, other than 'Team Leader'.

This, also, on a 37 story condo tower, at crunch time.
The viewsets are now 'unshared' for the moment.
If they still vanish, we will create a discrete 'Publisher' user and create a new CD Book folder/viewset.

Andy Thomson, M.Arch, OAA, MRAIC
Thomson Architecture, Inc.
Instructor/Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science
AC26/iMacPro/MPB Silicon M2Pro
Not applicable
We are now experiencing this problem -- views disappearing from the view sets. Unfortunately, none of the information discussed in this thread explains why we are having this problem.

This is what I know after interviewing the team members:

Adrian is the Team Leader and has a password. He always works as Team Leader, but not normally with exclusive access.

Zak, Joel, and Jenny are Teammates without passwords.

Earlier this week, Zak signed in as Adrian -- on his own computer -- to work with layer combos, and other Team Leader-only tasks. HOWEVER, Adrian is the only person who has created views in this project, and he did it from his own computer.

Nobody has ever used the "Show My Workspace Only" option.

Any ideas? The project continues to randomly lose views, which is obviously a HUGE obstacle.
Andy Thomson
This issue, as well as network load times (UNC path names different between mac and PC), hotlink load times, library load times (file looking in vain in all the wrong locations for these links), and switching workspace on the fly, tweaking layer combos, etc.... is one of many that forced us some months ago to abandon teamwork.

We will try again with v10. For the moment, we separate workspace by hotlinked files only.

Viewsets reside in the 'Mother' file, the sum of all hotlinks. I believe there is a cache somewhere on 'Adrian's' machine, that tells viewsets how to behave, if someone else goes in from a different machine as that same user, u r doomed. I am sure there is a more precise and detailed explanation someone is sure to step in and offer, and while I stand to be corrected, I must say I cannot let this happen again.....hence our abandonment of teamwork like a malformed infant in the snow, cruel but necessary!

Andy Thomson, M.Arch, OAA, MRAIC
Thomson Architecture, Inc.
Instructor/Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science
AC26/iMacPro/MPB Silicon M2Pro
Geof Gainer
Yup, just happened here too. You'd think GS would at least pop up a warning when logging in from elsewhere.
AC fan since v 7. Currently on AC 26 Build 5003 USA FULL, and AC 28 Build 3110 USA FULL, Apple Silicon,. 2022 Mac Studio, 32G ram. MacOS Ventura 13.7