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Drawing Title Type in AC10

Not applicable
How do I go about making a new drawing Title Type. in AC9 PM you had the option within the tree to make a new title type using 2d drawing and autotext. Very simple. But now I only have the options of pre made title types with no option of making my own. I have looked in the help index and all they say is the pre made title types are GDL parts and don't mention anything about making a custom one. What am I missing?

Scott Bulmer
Goto File>Library & Objects>Save As Title Types. Create using autotext.
Hope that's what you're looking for.
AC27 v. 4060 w/ MEP, Cadimage, Twinmotion 2023.2.2 using AC from AC6.0, 2021 MacPro M1 chip, Adobe CC. Used AC on both platforms.
Not applicable
Thanks Scott. I found it right before I saw your reply. Thanks again.
Scott Bulmer
FYI, I have been unable to successfully have a custom created title type function properly in 10. In PM9 there is autotext 'Drawing Number', but that's not available in 10. Setting that aside, the title type either won't assign to the drawing, or will distort in an usable way.
AC27 v. 4060 w/ MEP, Cadimage, Twinmotion 2023.2.2 using AC from AC6.0, 2021 MacPro M1 chip, Adobe CC. Used AC on both platforms.
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
FYI, I have been unable to successfully have a custom created title type function properly in 10. In PM9 there is autotext 'Drawing Number', but that's not available in 10. Setting that aside, the title type either won't assign to the drawing, or will distort in an usable way.
You're not the only one Scott. I have found all titles from AC9 to be unusable so far. Not just the geometrics, but the positioning and fact that they have no parameters associated to them. I am waiting to hear back from GS about it but maybe one of our powers users or GDL gurus can help us solve the problem. Even titles created with linework and text, via the File > Library & Objects > Save As Title Types menu don't seem to have the parameters that the standard titles do.

You may have to pose the question though...

Not applicable
Thanks again Scott. You're right, no drawing number in auto text. I was trying all of the auto text that was associated with a number, hoping that they just disguised it as another name (since this seems to be a typical thing with AC10). This needs to be fixed so that custom title types can even be usable.
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
You're right, no drawing number in auto text.
It's Drawing ID now. If you edit a Drawing's Settings you'll see it's ID at the top. It can be quite a complex system in 10 when it comes to numbering. Maybe a bit too complex!

Still, the problem is that these titles are definitely not user friendly.

Scott Bulmer
Link wrote:
It can be quite a complex system in 10 when it comes to numbering. Maybe a bit too complex!
Strong agreement, somewhat overly (or unnecessarily) complex.

BTW, I tried using Drawing ID in a custom TT for a drawing placed on a grided layout. That did not return the expected grid cell number.

Anyway here's another thought that may work; create custom title types in PM9 then export to a folder. That should do it.
AC27 v. 4060 w/ MEP, Cadimage, Twinmotion 2023.2.2 using AC from AC6.0, 2021 MacPro M1 chip, Adobe CC. Used AC on both platforms.
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
BTW, I tried using Drawing ID in a custom TT for a drawing placed on a grided layout. That did not return the expected grid cell number.
That's the thing - it depends on whether the detail drawing has it's numbering assignment set to:

a) By Layout
b) By View
c) Custom

Then it depends if the layout numbering is set to:

d) a,b,c, or A,B,C or 1,2,3 or 01,02,03 or 001,002,003 or 0001,0002,0003 or No ID!

or if the view ID is set to:

e) By Project Map
f) None
g) Custom

[And if they are clones the ID can be set to:

h) By Viewpoint
i) None
j) Custom]

Then it may depend on if the ID of the detail is set to:

k) Show Reference ID
l) Custom Text

On top of all that it could depend on if the detail marker is set to:

m) Referred Drawing

which will take you full circle back to a) b) c).

Phew - good luck with all THAT!
Anyway here's another thought that may work; create custom title types in PM9 then export to a folder. That should do it.
Not in my experience. Any title that does not ship with ArchiCAD simply does not work correctly.

Not applicable
Link wrote:
BTW, I tried using Drawing ID in a custom TT for a drawing placed on a grided layout. That did not return the expected grid cell number.
That's the thing - it depends on whether the detail drawing has it's numbering assignment set to:

a) By Layout
b) By View
c) Custom

Then it depends if the layout numbering is set to:

d) a,b,c, or A,B,C or 1,2,3 or 01,02,03 or 001,002,003 or 0001,0002,0003 or No ID!

or if the view ID is set to:

e) By Project Map
f) None
g) Custom

[And if they are clones the ID can be set to:

h) By Viewpoint
i) None
j) Custom]

Then it may depend on if the ID of the detail is set to:

k) Show Reference ID
l) Custom Text

On top of all that it could depend on if the detail marker is set to:

m) Referred Drawing

which will take you full circle back to a) b) c).

Phew - good luck with all THAT!
Anyway here's another thought that may work; create custom title types in PM9 then export to a folder. That should do it.
Not in my experience. Any title that does not ship with ArchiCAD simply does not work correctly.

Sounds simple enough