About Archicad's documenting tools, views, model filtering, layouts, publishing, etc.

How to make a title block

Not applicable
I need to make a custom title block diferent than the templates that AC comes with, I can`t find the way to create it and place it on the layouts, can anybody help me please?

Windows XP
AC 10
Not applicable
Go to Document->Layout book->New Master layout.
You will see a text field called create new master layout
with a default name for the new master layout.
Name the new master layout and when the new master layout
window appears go to Document->Layout book->Master Layout settings.
Select a paper size, set margins, etc then hit OK. Now using 2D drawing
tools draw your title block, add divider lines, text, company logo as
an image file using the figure tool and even 2D objects with the object
tool. Open the Master Layout settings again and hit the button at the
bottom labeled Set as default for new layouts and hit OK. Close
the Master Layout window and your done. You can assign your
new custom master layout with your title block to any new or existing layout.
Peter Devlin