Often times a PDF is the only file type available for certain content. Fortunately ArchiCAD allows you to import and convert the vector information into usable elements. Please follow the steps below to import and explode PDFs in ArchiCAD.
Importing PDFs
1. Create a new worksheet to place the PDF on.
2. Change the scale of the sheet to match that of the PDF you want to import.
NOTE: You can always scale content after it has been brought in. It is just easier to do so beforehand.
3. Drag the PDF on the worksheet.
4. Adjust the drawing boundary to the area of the PDF you wish to keep.
5. With the drawing selected, right click and select Explode into Current View.
6. In the Explode into Current View dialogue box, verify or change the options and click OK.
7. The PDF content will now be converted into 2D ArchiCAD elements.