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Problems with layout book dwgs

Not applicable

i'm having problems updating my drawings (specifically elevations) to the layout book. I run ac10. The problem i'm having is that on my windows, they are showing up as transparent but on my drawings they are not. When i update them on the viewmap they are fine, so i get current windows setting to transfer them to the layout book. But for some weird reason on the layout book they do not trasnfer the way i want them to. On the view map they do not show trasnparency but on the layout book they do. No where else do my windows come up with transparancy, only on the layout book. Another weird thing is that when i update them, they do not change. They stay the same with the transparency even though trasnparency is off. Another thing is that last week only one elevation was doing this. This morning it was working somehow. So i plotted it with the others. Now this afternoon the others and the old one are not working again. I have no idea what is going on... Plz help

btw new to this post so sorry if my post is really big.