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Yosemite ArchiCAD Retreat Early-bird registration extended

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Fellow ArchiCAD Talkers:

"In times of change, learners inherit the earth." - Erich Fromm

As Karl Ottenstein posted in July, we are offering another hands-on ArchiCAD Innersive Retreat this fall, October 10-14 in Yosemite. We have extended the Early Bird registration until Sept. 7.

We still have some seats available and we would like to ask you to spread the word to your colleagues and friends who you feel could benefit from this Retreat. Make sure you tell them to let us know how they heard about the retreat (there is a line on the registration form to indicate how they heard about us).

Better yet, join us! All user levels can benefit. To view images and testamonials of the past spring retreat, visit:

For more information or to register visit: or have them call Caitlin at: 714/612-4547.

In other news, Digital Vision has expanded to include Graphisoft sales in Arizona. Our new office is in Scottsdale. If you have any friends or colleagues in Arizona, please let them know about us. Check out our recent press release at:

Hope you are having a great summer.

Ever onward,


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