Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
We conducted our latest Building Together | Design digital event in June 2023.
If you missed the event, don't worry! The replay is live - you can watch the highlights at any time over the next months. You'll also find more information about the new capabilities of Archicad 27, 'Your best design option.'
The event took place in English, and the replay is available for free.
We promised to answer the questions we could not get to during the live Q&A sessions at the event, and here they are with responses from the Graphisoft product team, grouped by topic.
Poco: I would like to get a definitive answer on the future of Python API development. Has it been deprecated? Does the Python API have any future with Graphisoft or are we just wasting our time trying to use it?
It is definitely not deprecated - our goal is still to provide access to Archicad's functionality via widely used languages like Python.
Algimantas: Roadmap - are new functionalities like Voting, Commenting and similar to be implemented soon into community platform?
We are working on implementing features like this. But for that we need to create the processes first and set up the systems to manage these. There is a discussion about this on the Community.
Jorge Feio, Arquitecto Unipessoal lda: When will we have the possibility of including floor levels in the renovation filter? (Yellow floor levels for demolish, and red floor levels for new ones)
We are planning to improve our renovation workflow inside Archicad - for example, we have 'Project Phasing' as a workflow in our Idea Pool on our roadmap to support managing projects according to arbitrary phases. Support for whole stories is not planned currently - however, you are able to achieve this by, for example, selecting all elements on a story with the 'Find & Select' feature of Archicad and modifying all of their renovation statuses.
Rex: We feel our voices are not being heard on the Community forum as there is very little interaction from GS with its users. What is the timeline for developing the roadmap properly as was promised at the last online event--commenting, voting, write-in features? The Insider program isn't a substitute.
We are working on implementing features like this. But for that we need to create the processes first and set up the systems to manage these. There is a discussion about this on Community.
Rodrigo Balarezo: Is there a solution to implement dark mode on ArchiCAD on PC. There was a way to do that on MAC, but I find no way to use dark theme on a PC
It is on our table for future consideration but currently we are not working on developing this capability.
Anonymous: On examples like the project presented today. How do you break your models into many models and the hardware you use to make this happen.
While there are no definite rules on how a large model should be broken down, in general, considering repetition and functions in a model would lead to a logical way to break it down into several smaller models, which can be linked together with the use of hotlinks. For instance, in a residential building, separately modeling the kitchen types, bathroom types, and apartment types would be a good way to break down a model, using the hotlink functionality to present the entire project. In an office building, separately modeling the cores (usually staircases and wet areas), the meeting rooms and the office spaces, would be the suggested approach. For a deeper dive into this topic, we recommend the Graphisoft BIM Manager Program which explores such workflows as part of its curriculum and the Hotlink Management Workflow Guide, which describes all hotlink-related workflows in detail.
Endi Andoni (BBA-Architetti): Hello! We at BBA-Architetti would like to know if you are developing any tools that make use of AI generative design (in Archicad). For example, have the software generate many iterations for urban development in a given area by just having little input in it like Height, Volume, etc. Thank you.
We are researching and experimenting with Artificial Intelligence as we see great potential in utilizing this technology for many workflows. Fueling creativity, helping to make more informed design decisions, getting rid of drudgery - especially during the construction documentation phases. We are pursuing this with a problem-first approach, looking for the right problems where AI can be the technology which helps our customers. Currently, we can't disclose anything more specific, but stay tuned!
Anonymous: Roadmap: why not to put copy/paste "criteria" in Graphic Overrides panel?
As we develop Graphic Overrides, we will consider this request. Having copy/paste is one idea to solve the problem, but we also want to focus on the root problem to find the best solution.
Mehmet Çağrı Başaran: Is there any upgrade on slab tool with different elevation on points. Maybe a Parasolid tool (like morph) for complex shape modeling?
For certain types of modeling tasks, the Mesh tool and Morph tool in Archicad provide the ability to create complex shapes - especially of terrains and objects. The Archicad - Grasshopper connection also provides a very flexible and powerful way to connect the two worlds of BIM and parametric / organic modeling.
Victor Baboi: Are there any plans to revamp the hotlink feature (maybe including in place editing)? To make it more seamlessly implemented directly in the file so that we don't need to synchronize so many properties and attributes across multiple files?
Yes, we are planning to improve workflows that support design modularization as they are an essential part of many projects. Regarding Hotlinks, the 'In-place Hotlink Editing' development idea is currently in the Idea Pool on our public roadmap.
Aziz: Can super resolution scaling technology be introduced in ARCHICAD 2D and 3D windows? If so, will this have a significant impact on performance?
Superscaling (where a larger resolution image is composed of many smaller ones) has not been introduced to Archicad at the moment.
Mariano Amelio: While the 3D capabilities of Archicad are known and well set, the 2d tools remain strongly undeveloped. Is there development plan for a strong and capable 2d editor inside Archicad? Ideally would be amazing to have the equivalent of AutoCAD 2D in Archicad!
We support 2D-related workflows, for example the increasingly streamlined creation of 2D graphics and illustrations, as those are an important part of the design process. However, we are not planning to create an Autocad 2D inside Archicad.
Anonymous: Will the new version of Archicad allow de .FBX format file to export a model?
Just as you wrote. Archicad 27 will come with native FBX export and import capability.
Roman: Why is there no hassle-free direct link from AC to C4D right out of the box? Like the one from Din3d.org?
(Unfortunately, the page is not available at the moment, but Google cache shows it was a C4D add-on for Archicad.) We are continuously monitoring the need for certain file types in specific workflows, and your feedback is an important input to make decisions about which format should be supported and how. It would be useful for us to understand what you miss when you use either the existing C4D export or the other existing file formats available for communicating with Cinema4D. We would be happy to hear feedback on that.
Ed: With all the talk about "Real Time", I've always wanted Archicad to be able to allow for changes in multiple views dynamically. So, for example, if you are moving or modifying an element in plan, you can see the implications in perspective, etc. I hope this is on the horizon!
We are planning to research the feasibility to support this - currently 'Multi-window/Multi-view' in our public roadmap's Idea Pool.
Anonymous: Will you be covering building materials like building bricks made with CO2? Sharon Argenbright Santa Fe New Mexico
CO2 values should be handled as properties inside Archicad Building Materials. You are free to create whatever Building Material you need. We are working on a way to import, store and manage CO2 data.
Ed Wolfstein, Wolfstein Architecture: RealTime changes in multiple Archicad windows would definitely be great! This would help the design process immensely as the design workflow would be unimpeded by refreshing screens. With the incredible improvements in processing power over the years, shouldn't this be a logical update in Archicad?
We are planning to research the feasibility to support this - currently 'Multi-window/Multi-view' in our public roadmap's Idea Pool.
Anonymous: When are you buying Land4 and including into Archicad as standard, the mesh tool has had no love for the 20 years i have been using Archicad
Providing more control over hardscaping and groundwork is currently on the discussion table. The 'Improved terrain modeling' development idea is currently in the 'Under research' category on our public roadmap.
Anonymous: When is the Keynote functionally going to be implemented within Archicad?
We are one step before beginning its implementation. Currently Keynote is in the 'Under Research' category on our public roadmap, which means that we are working on finalizing requirements and scope for a development project. Our goal is to start development as soon as possible and deliver it in a near-future product increment.
Anonymous: Why Graphisoft don't develop accessories and don't replace it with new tool? Will Graphisoft develop or combine PARAM-O, Library Part Maker and GDL to give a chance to create more complex own object in easy way?
Regarding the creation of complex parametric objects, our goal is to provide an easy-to-use solution with which users are able to create any level of desired parametricity. At the moment, we have 4 different solutions (Save as object, LPM, Param-O, GDL Editor) which offer different levels of parametricity in the end results and different entry thresholds. Consolidating these solutions is on our table for the future and we are also studying emerging technologies such as AI to help solve such problems.
Anonymous: Will Graphisoft develop shape tool or give new tool to model organic shapes?
Our goal is to provide our customers with workflows to be able to deliver their projects and ideas from conception to final project handover. For the majority of these workflows, we aim to provide out-of-the-box tools, and for some we work with partnerships and streamlined connections. Regarding modeling organic shapes, we provide interoperability with Rhino, amongst others, and some level of support with the Morph tool. Further support for such workflows inside Archicad with integrated features is currently up for future consideration.
Anonymous: From the Design point of view, the new design options tool seems quite interesting. But I do wonder, will the Hotlink module follow with this upgrade, in the sense it becomes possible to enrich it with information in the host file, or even act on it like we can with an opening tool.
As part of the Design Options feature set, Hotlinks will be able to contain multiple Design Options and those can be switched on an instance basis. We see that this will open many possibilities in our customers' workflows.
Furthermore, we have plans to improve the productivity of Hotlink-related workflows - we have for example 'In-place Hotlink editing' on our roadmap inside the Idea Pool.
Rex: The new BIMx collaboration features between client and architect should be available to solo practices. With the price of SSA nearly $1000, we shouldn’t be expected to purchase additional BIMcloud licenses to interact with our clients. It should work with stand-alone ArchiCAD/BIMcloud Basic setups.
The new BIMx feature is not tied to a BIMcloud license, standalone BCF files can also be easily exported with a BIMx PRO license.
Anonymous: Design options: the renovation filter allowed for design options, but it was very confusing to find hidden elements. The Renovation filter is confusing enough for new users, so we banned the use of that feature. How is this new DO feature different? How easy is it to manage? How are options removed?
Once the Technology Preview is available, please start trying out the workflow for Design Options. With Design Options, it is easy to turn them on/off on-the-fly as you work, and to help manage them we use the same Delete/Relink dialogue as attributes, with a detailed list of elements assigned to that Option and the ability to move those elements or delete them.
Anonymous: How do the Design Option A or B become part of the final design instead of an option? How are obsolete options removed?
We have a couple of ways to achieve this. Either use the 'Accept and Merge' to finalize a selected Option that moves those elements into the Main Model, or the Delete/Relink functionality.
Laurentiu: Would adding parts of the Goodies addon back into the base version of Archicad be possible? Some features like the Polycount are essential and should definitely be kept moving forward. Maybe it's worth considering adding it to the roadmap.
Thanks for raising this. Most of the Goodies have an older and unsupported codebase, but some of the functionalities like the mentioned Polycount would make sense to include out-of-the-box in Archicad. We'll evaluate.
Laurentiu: Are there any features in the idea pool of the roadmap that have been brought up by the community that you are excited to explore further? I'm really glad to see the development being more transparent and would like to know how you guys feel about taking this huge step forward.
In the end all the ideas on the roadmap are influenced by users and customers. The product managers have gathered the inputs of trends, insights, interviews, community and much more to formulate these development ideas.
Gavin Pendergrast - NZ: When will we see a live floating palette for layers? I don't understand why I have to click a button, toggle a layer, and then click ok. Why not just provide a live layer palette. One click... done
Providing modeless palettes to interact with the Archicad model is on our roadmap - currently in the Idea Pool.
Paul Emmerson RIBA: Is there any intention to integrate Embodied Carbon modelling into ArchiCAD and improve the scope and functionality of the in-built Eco-Designer? I did not see this on the roadmap which appears to be a fundamental omission.
On the one hand, you can already export your project to tools like OneClickLCA, CAALA, or others but we are also researching the possibility of letting our customers calculate the CO2 footprint of their design right inside of Archicad. The idea of 'Lifecycle Assessment with Archicad' is currently on our public roadmap in the 'Under Research' category.
Stefan Veselinović, Bureau Cube Partners: Can we expect possibility in near future to have element control view in 2d views like we have in 3D window?
You can control element view in 2D via many workflows. Layers with Layer Combinations, Design Options or even the Renovation workflow. To control their Graphic representation, you can use Graphic Overrides. Currently we do not plan to add further controls.
Anonymous: Why we still don't have hide element in 2D plan if we can have design options?
Design Options allows users to hide Options and their elements (and to not intersect with visible elements) in any view including Floor Plan, 3D, Sections/Elevations and Details/Worksheets. The existing Hide Selection in 3D functionality is a reverse of the Show Selection functionality. I'd be interested to hear more about the workflows where you would like to temporarily hide elements on the Floor Plan, like in the 3D view.
Anonymous: When will the BIMx improvements shown today be available?
We will gradually release these features for BIMx. Issue creation will come with Archicad 27, and a few others even sooner.
Botonis: Are there any improvements in performance, 2d rendering, antialiasing, update tab speed etc?
Archicad 27 will deliver speed improvements via workflows like instance-level flexibility to change a design option in a placed / to-be-placed Hotlink. Besides these, we are continuously monitoring Archicad's speed and delivering minor improvements on it, while also working on larger and higher impact performance developments in the background.
Uros: What about dark theme in Archicad 27 for windows users?
In Archicad 27 inside the GDL Editor, our users will have the opportunity to use dark mode on both Mac and Windows platforms. General support for dark mode on Windows is on the table for future consideration but currently we are not working on developing this capability.
Anonymous: Design Options have certain features not available in Renovations, like the control over SEOs and Trim. The roadmap does not hint at the development of a new Reno/Phasing toolkit. Is this in the pipeline?
We have plans to further develop the renovation workflow in Archicad. On our roadmap 'Project Phasing' is currently in the Idea Pool.
Anonymous: Is there a way to integrate third party app into Archicad 27, like a framing tool, for standard wood and new metal framing structures?
Our API is open to everyone to develop additional add-ons or content that exceeds Archicad functionality. If you know someone interested in developing for Archicad, please tell them to write to archicadapi@graphisoft.com.
Anonymous: Projects can extend over many years. New versions of software incorporate important new features. What is the best way to keep the model fresh, so the team is not always working with outdated software?
Moving projects from one software version to another is heavily dependent on the nature of the design team and the amount of multi-disciplinary collaboration needed. Smaller projects and teams, which usually don’t require multi-disciplinary collaboration, can safely move projects from one version to the next. Larger projects and teams should take a more cautious approach. Any changes to software versions should be tested and all findings should be documented in the BIM Execution Plan to help all parties coordinate efficiently.
Anonymous: What is being done to make it easier to work with Revit Based Firms. Even being the Architect we have to conform to them.
IFC4 certification is a step forward in streamlining the collaboration between Archicad and Revit users.
Anonymous: For the U.S. and Canada - will there ever be a place to find other discipline users of Archicad. I cannot find Engineers to work for me that use Archicad.
The recent release of direct connection between Archicad and RISA-3D will bring additional "motivation" for a better collaboration between architects and structural engineers in North America. The benefits for both stakeholders are clearly visible with seamless real-time collaboration, which mitigates risks and accelerates project delivery. RISA plays an important role as a market leader for structural analysis in the North American market.
Anonymous: If we want to collaborate with our structural engineers in our BIM workflow, at what stage of the project is it best to bring them aboard?
One of the core concepts introduced by our Integrated Design approach is the fact that architects and structural engineers are part of the design process from day 1. The benefits of this real-time collaboration directly on the design authoring tool bring advantages to both disciplines. Should the existing workflows be revised? Perhaps yes, but that surely comes from a common understanding of the design process starting on day 1.
Anonymous: BIMcloud needs enhanced permissions to firewall the work of some users from the work of others. E.g. structural engineers could be prevented from modifying architectural elements, and vice versa. Users could optionally be confined to elements on selected layers, stories, or classifications.
Thank you for the suggestions, this is a great idea for improving control, especially in a teamwork project.
Anonymous: We are thinking about implementing these BIM and design collaboration methods in our office, but it would be a big jump. How much time will it take till we become as efficient as with current methods?
Defining the time that it will take to implement BIM workflows and design collaboration methods in a “traditional” practice is difficult without an understanding of the exact goals and risk. In general, when implementing BIM, a Project Management approach, with clear stages and deliverables, goal and risk identification, stakeholder engagement, etc. is necessary. In addition to this, a gradual approach to the implementation with parts of the office moving to the new era and the rest following at a later stage, may help mitigate the risk of not being as productive at the beginning of the journey. The Graphisoft BIM Manager Program includes a module which describes how this Project Management approach could be applied when implementing BIM.
Anonymous: Our clients and partners are happy with DWG and PDF file exchange because they have worked it out and tested it over the years. Why would BIMcloud or IFC be better than these solutions?
IFC is designed for model exchange while PDF and DWG are meant for documentation exchange. These solutions should live and work hand-in-hand to serve all these needs. Hosting these filetypes on BIMcloud makes everyone's life easier as easy access is granted to all project stakeholders to all necessary documents and models.
Anonymous: If a future is getting more and more complex, what can we do to simplify our job as architects? Which technologies can help us successfully handle this increased complexity?
Our goal is to provide our customers with a solution that helps them stay focused on the value-adding aspects they've become architects and/or engineers for. Regarding technologies, we see great potential in utilizing Artificial Intelligence and the increasingly powerful LLMs for easing drudgery or helping automate mundane tasks.
Anonymous: You mentioned that many companies are in favour of collaboration through BIM. What are the barriers? Technology or Culture?
We believe that seamless collaboration through disciplines and beyond (including construction and operation) is the future. We see it as our mission to develop tools that support this - and therefore enable customers to collaborate.
Anonymous: Any data in the Tech Clarity survey about AI? Which areas will it be used in the next few years? Generating floor plans? Creating documentation? Generating renderings?
The Tech Clarity survey did not focus on AI. But we see a lot of potential in AI and we are currently researching the possibilities. One could use AI to structure archives (drawings, plans, models, issues, documents), find information (in geometry, in models, in point clouds, etc.), check consistency (in 2D, 3D, BIM, etc.), optimize BIM usage (classification, 4D, 5D, etc.), predict building performance (analysis, simulations), automate design (design, modeling, scripting), produce (quality checking, progress control, machine control...), and operate (finding anomalies, consumption, time series). And there are only more ideas evolving.
Anonymous: When will we get more information about your AI Solutions? There is plenty of buzz, but I have not heard much about what features or 3rd parties you will connect with.
We are pursuing AI developments with a problem-first approach - meaning that we aim to utilize it to help in the major workflows of our customers in a streamlined and integrated way. As of today, you can already connect Archicad with many AI tools like Stable Diffusion or DALL-E, but these workflows are still very manual.
Nathan Hildebrandt: Why did NVIDIA develop their own data standards when there are other model and information-based standards like IFC. Are you just creating another challenge for software vendors, needing to maintain connection to yet another information schema. Thanks.
USD is not a standard created by Nvidia, but an open standard which is largely driven by them.
Anonymous: Are these all add-ons to purchase? #enscape #nvidia #d5?
These add-ons are either available for free with tools like the Archicad-Omniverse Connector by Nvidia or the D5-Archicad plugin, or they are part of the installers of the visualization tool itself - as in the case of Enscape.
Anonymous: In order to use V-Ray, you'll have to export from ArchiCAD to Enscape first and then export from Enscape to V-Ray?
Currently you can do it the way you described (via Enscape to V-Ray) to keep the live connection between Archicad and Enscape, or you can do it by exporting the Archicad model into V-Ray in one of the many supported file formats.
Rodrigo Balarezo: Why would I purchase another rendering tool when i am already paying for ArchiCAD plus? Doesn't ArchiCAD provides the right tools?
Archicad has some rendering capabilities. If you want to have a real time renderer, then we recommend selecting from a Graphisoft partner, like Enscape, or Twinmotion, for the best performance.
Anonymous: d5 render for mac is expected to be released?
Currently we are not aware of any specific schedule for this from D5.
Fra_Usa: Enscape for mac is expected to be released?
Enscape for MacOS is planned to be released in autumn 2023 by Chaos/Enscape - in sync with the next generation of Graphisoft's products.
Anonymous: Apple just announced the Vision Pro headset. Do you guys think it will change visualization, and if it does, in what way?
It will surely have some impact in the professional world. We can imagine architects, engineers, and clients using these devices in an immersive work environment.
Dan W.: There seems to be more and more emphasis on realistic rendering techniques when early stages of design do not warrant designation of materials and colors. What is available in the way of visualization to give the overall sense of spaces without the overhead of doing so much of the design beforehand?
The experimental Physically Based Rendering feature helps provide an easy to understand and quick visualization of your BIM model at any phase in the design process. Also, other 3D styles and connectors to third party applications such as Enscape and Twinmotion help deliver rich and vivid still images or animated results through a non-destructive workflow, even in the early stages, when the model is not yet detailed.
Anonymous: Twinmotion was highly promoted a couple versions ago. Today nothing about Twinmotion, but plenty about Enscape, D5, and other renderers. Many of us built workflows around Twinmotion. What is the status of Graphisoft’s relationship with Epic?
We are still supporting Epic in developing and providing the Datasmith Exporter plugin between Archicad and Twinmotion and Unreal Engine. Regarding visualization generally, we provide our customers the freedom of choice to connect Archicad with any of their preferred third-party visualization software via powerful live connections or plugins.
Anonymous: For Archicad 26, the MEP Routing has the option of automatic slope (%), degrees (°), and per foot. In version 27, the slopes are manual. Do you plan to integrate the slope into the settings of the MEP Line Tools in version 27?
The MEP Modeler was greatly re-engineered in version 27. The enhanced tools bring a stronger engineering approach to the design of building systems. Some functionalities could not be completely to this new infrastructure, which is why the option for slopes seems to have less flexibility. However, the good news is that our development team is continuing to put a strong focus on the MEP Modeler, and all its content. Users can expect incremental changes as we move forward. And your contribution in this journey is highly appreciated.
Rex: Is there a commitment going forward to shift focus back to architectural tools and features vs. MEP and structural; which seems to have had disproportionate development in the past four versions? As architects, many of us feel we have been subsidizing MEP/S development at the cost of arch. tools.
We see the future in the integration of multiple disciplines. We are concentrating on architecture as our main focus and heritage and combining this with structural and MEP developments. We are dedicated to building an integrated workflow, where all disciplines can work simultaneously in the same model.
Please don't misinterpret the number of features on the roadmap with the size of them. Our focus was and still is the design segment, where we strive to create a solution for integrated teams.
Please let us introduce our Product Team members, who answered the questions both during the event and here in this post:
János Detre, Manager Product Management - Architecture |
Holger Kreienbrink, Director Product Intelligence |
Carlos Cordeiro, Manager Product Management - Engineering |
Szabolcs Kari, Manager Product Management - Collaboration |
Tibor Szolnoki, Senior Manager Product Marketing |
Pantelis Ioannidis, Director Global Professional Services |
Thank you for your interest and attendance at the event. We are looking forward to the next Building Together event in October 2023 and hope you'll join us again.
The Graphisoft Product Success Team