Hello, I want to add my little experience, I have a Surface Pro 4 , the I7 version with 16 Gb of memory, and with it I work on several project on version 20 and 21( on 22 I've only make some test on the new feature….but nothing really serious….eheheheh), from simple apartment, to a most complex bus station(100+ layout, with the MEP part), and despite the "recommended" hardware, I've never have the feeling to be limited in some way, clearly we have to make some clarification, I'm speaking about general drafting works, and not about rendering that need a great multithread power, for this reason, infact, I've assembled my workstation in signature.
In general, when I'm at studio use only the workstation, but when working as freelance for other architect, or when I'm on travel, or mostly on building site...to take annotation, to make some sketch, or to speak with client, I use the Surface.......................and honestly will never turning back to a laptop
Said that there are also some negative aspects to take into account, firstly, with Archicad you will use Surface as a traditional laptop, none of the peculiar feature are supported, as windows ink, virtual ruler, surface dial, or at least the most common gesture on multitouch screen as pitch to zoom in and out( or better, don't touch the screen because archicad became quite crazy to have several input simultaneously ehehehehe), and on this I would not hope too much for a change, because Graphisoft is mostly focused into Apple ecosystem, so will never see these feature until macbook will add support for touchscreen or pen input

Another aspect is the dimension of the screen, is quite little, ad when you have several palette opened the working area is really tiny, that impose you scrool and zoom in-out continuously, anyway, when working as freelance I always use an external monitor with a wireless Bluetooth kit of keyboard+mouse, so I resolved this issue, with a little expense of a minidisplay port-HDMI cable, at this proposal remember also the limitation of the unique usb port, I've never had a great need of several ports, because use mostly the cloud or internet to exchange file, so I could use the port for codemeter key.
I hope this will help you in your choice, if you need further clarification do not hesitate to ask.
AC 6.5-27 | Latest build | Win 10 Pro 64 | AMD TreadRipper 1950x 3.4 Ghz | 64 Gb RAM | AMD Radeon 5700 XT 8GB