We have been trying to get ArchCAD 9 (and Plotmaker) to run on our 2Ghz and 1.8Ghz Dual G5s 1Gb RAM for 3 days without success.
Launching ArchiCAD 9 give a bouncing dock icon, CPU useage goes to 100% in the activity monitor, fans speed up, no Archicad menu or windows show.
Sometimes, after about 10 seconds, the "ArchiCAD 9" listing in the activity monitor turns red and the word "(hung)" appears.
A force quit is required to return CPU and fan useage to normal.
Very consistant on the the Macs we have tried, both with 10.3.4 and 10.3.5
Usual tricks tried - permissions, new admin account, clear caches etc. ArchiCAD 8 and 7 run fine. No problems with other apps. Have sent bug report/logs to graphisoft via reseller.
Any ideas?