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problem with 3D display window...

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hi, im a beginner on ArchiCAD. im learning through "step-by-step-interactive" tutorial. however, some things dont go smoothly. the main problem is that whenever i open the 3D display window to preview my work, there is NO COLOUR. ie; just black lines... what do i do to get the rendering correct????

please someone help!
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image>3d engine and mode>shading

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thank you bill! if you dont mind, ....I have another problem...
the 3D display window now has colours thanx to you but the plan drawings dont have any shading ie; again....just black lines with no colours filled in. how do i make the shading appear on my plan drawings???
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not quite so simple

there's broadly two approaches, depending on what you're trying to achieve

to colour elements in the plan window you'll need to apply solid colour fills as 'cover fills' to your slabs, roofs etc. and also the walls if you want them coloured too.

i'm assuming you're using ac9 as 'cover fills' aren't available in prior releases - you'd have to use 2d fills

alternatively you can 'cut' plans in the 3d window using the image>cutting planes command

in this case the colours will be determined by the 'materials' of the elements

in the latter method you can save the view as a vector image (set the engine to 'internal'), an open gl preview (engine to 'open gl') or a fully rendered image- with textures, shadows etc - by changing the properties of the saved view to generate from 'photorendering window'

materials can have both a vector hatch and a texture which are completely independent

does that help

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thanx. i sorted my problem myself but you helped me out loads as i am a real beginner...
silly me, my problem wasnt as advanced as what you thought it might be. it was just the case of show show/hide "construction fills" to bitmap pattern, under "Options>Display Options"!

p.s i have archiCAD 8.1 so no cover fills available i dont think.

the MAIN PROBLEM arose unfortunely... its to do with "Layer Settings".... I've been trying to understand the function of "Layer Combination" and also "View Editor under "Navigator". when you open the View Editor box, you see two white boxes which look similar but i know they mean different but i cant work out myself the differences between them two. if you could tell me the differences, that would be super.
and could you possibly explain how the Layer Settings and the View Editor are linked?

and lastly, im a uni student and there are so many variety of CAD programmes we could learn. I myself are learning ArchiCAD and Rhino. but some of my friends have suggested to learn AutoCAD.
which is better, ArchiCAD or AutoCAD? surely ArchiCAD where I can produce things in 3D as well as 2D detailed plans/sections etc as much AutoCAD can produce?

thanx again for answering my silly questions!
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I think asking the question about which is better to learn here might result in receiving a slightly biased answer But to be as honest as possible I would personally say between all the Architecturally oriented cad programmes available ArchiCAD is the best. It definitely has its little quarks, and bugs, but what programme doesn't? I was self taught both Architectural Desktop, and ArchiCAD (well more so forum taught ArchiCAD ) I have yet to come across a situation that I was unable to model in ArchiCAD, and I do mean model. Sometimes it may seem very time consuming to go through and tweak things for correctness in a 3D model. but it's the entire purpose of ArchiCAD to do so, thusly if you need any drawing it can be pulled from the building model at any time, in real time. one of the biggest drawbacks to ArchiCAD, which is also one of its best points is GDL. I say its a drawback because it's not really industry supported at this point (and also because I don't know GDL... bias.. what?), if you go to a manufacturer and ask for a parametric GDL object of one of their windows they're going to look at you like you're bloody nuts. but I say it's one of the best points because it allows for so much customization. The absolute best feature of ArchiCAD (IMHO) which never really seems to be brought up often... is this forum, and I don't mean that as a joke, there is no other software programme on the market.. for anything, let alone such a specialized field with such a tight knit user base / community, and also an aforementioned user base which has such a major influence on the software package itself. If you went to Discreet and asked them to add a feature they're going to tell you to bugger off (in my experiences anyway) where as graphisoft will, at the very least, hear you out. I realize that I am probably rambling to a great extent, as it is 1am, but as a final note I would like to direct you here: and also recommend doing a forum search, as this question has been brought up numerous times.


PS: if you're already in Nottingham why not check this out:
unfortunately I'm going to be state-side in September

Hopefully my jumble of words helps you out.. at least a little
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thanx dan for a kind reply. i have heard about ArchiCAD University website but never thought of bothering to join in the community. but this time, im seriously thinking i need to get my heads round some CAD work.
unfortunately, i will not be in nottingham at the time of the summer school. so im self learning... but hopefully uni will give us some lessons on ArchiCAD next term. by the way, have you ever attended on archiCAD uni events? if so, is it any good??

when you say making 3D model and that its time consuming, does that mean you started with just 2D drawings on ArchiCAD first??

also, (here is another silly question you might think im stupid) but what is GDL???

p.s i am on the point of giving up!! it depresses me whenever i see people's work done on ArchiCAD gallery but i will see how it goes....

thanx again for your help.
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I personally have not been fortunate enough to attend an ArchiCAD university programme, but from what everyone has said about them, and from reading the synopsis of the upcomming event I really wish I could attend one, and hopefully I will sometime in the future, but at the moment I can't afford to buy a ticket over to the UK to attend Nottingham, especially since I just bought a ticket into Glasgow for october.

When I said that it can be time consuming to create a complete 3D model I mean that some people choose to create a basic 3D model and then add all the details in on the individual sections / elevations / plans with 2D linework, although this sometimes can be a viable option if you need to get a single drawing out right away for a sub contractor, I personally don't think it's the right way of doing it. (see here: )

There are no silly questions as I'm concerned... everyone started off at some point, and asked the same questions as you at some point. GDL is "Geometric Description Language" its a way of creating parametric objects through coding rather than drawing, these objects allow you to define paramters which affect the way the object behaves / appears / reacts, etc.
GDL objects make up the ArchiCAD object library, and if you choose to take the ArchiCAD route, you will become very familiar with GDL, if not how to code it, at least how to understand it.

lastly: don't give up, with any programme this complicated there is going to be a decent learning curve, in all honesty, I'm definately not an ArchiCAD expert, I've only been using it for 3 months now. I still come across many things I don't know how to do.. but thats what this forum (and your manual) are for. Stick with it and someday I'm sure (and hopefully I will be too ) creating models that people will envy.

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ive been trying to use as many functions as possible so far. i am starting to like this programme altho its complex! you made me feel confident in using ArchiCAD. THANKS!

p.s i looked at the forum link you gave me, said you are 19yr old?! bloody hell! how come you are working already? i mean shouldnt you be at uni?? like me? - and im slightly older than you!
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I should be in uni, yes. But I'm taking two years (I start second year next week) at a small community college near Detroit Michigan, just to learn some basic stuff, and im saving money so I can afford to move to Glasgow next summer and attend uni there, assuming all goes well I'm going to take the Architecture programme at the Mackintosh Design Centre at the Glasgow School of Art. My girlfriend also lives in Glasgow, which is another reason I'm moving there.. but thats a whole other story

also, I'm glad I could help you out.. if you ever have any questions feel free to PM me, or email me at


PS: I actually don't turn 19 until Sunday