I personally have not been fortunate enough to attend an ArchiCAD university programme, but from what everyone has said about them, and from reading the synopsis of the upcomming event I really wish I could attend one, and hopefully I will sometime in the future, but at the moment I can't afford to buy a ticket over to the UK to attend Nottingham, especially since I just bought a ticket into Glasgow for october.
When I said that it can be time consuming to create a
complete 3D model I mean that some people choose to create a basic 3D model and then add all the details in on the individual sections / elevations / plans with 2D linework, although this sometimes can be a viable option if you need to get a single drawing out right away for a sub contractor, I personally don't think it's the right way of doing it. (see here: )
There are no silly questions as I'm concerned... everyone started off at some point, and asked the same questions as you at some point. GDL is "Geometric Description Language" its a way of creating parametric objects through coding rather than drawing, these objects allow you to define paramters which affect the way the object behaves / appears / reacts, etc.
GDL objects make up the ArchiCAD object library, and if you choose to take the ArchiCAD route, you will become very familiar with GDL, if not how to code it, at least how to understand it.
lastly: don't give up, with any programme this complicated there is going to be a decent learning curve, in all honesty, I'm definately not an ArchiCAD expert, I've only been using it for 3 months now. I still come across many things I don't know how to do.. but thats what this forum (and your manual) are for. Stick with it and someday I'm sure (and hopefully I will be too

) creating models that people will envy.