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Easy way to update favorites to AC14?

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Hi, my Window and Door favorites are just the way I like them in AC12. I have been using them in AC14 for a while now, but is there an easy way to update these favorites to AC14 Windows and Doors? I would rather not have to spend the time changing each one again and saving to favorites.

Thanks a lot.
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I don't have much experience with the included libraries, but if the parts haven't been substantially changed from 12 to 14 the favorites should work with the updated parts. Have you tried loading the 14 library to see how they work?
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I need to update manually most of them so i'm interesting in this trick too.
Erika Epstein
Favorites from one version don't work when the parts are upgraded to newer versions. The newer version often has parameters that were not available. On the plus side, this forces you to discover all the new settings when you reset favorites for the new version.

You can export favorites and edit the file in a text editor, then re-import the file.
Architect, Consultant
MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch Yosemite 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Mac OSX 10.11.1
Onuma System

"Implementing Successful Building Information Modeling"
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Erika wrote:

You can export favorits and edit the file in a text editor, then re-import the file.

Is possible to cut the favorites in many parts? I have a big favorites file, and I think that it's interesting to divide in "wall favorites" "slab favorites" "deco favorites" ...
How it can be done?