Hi Paulo
Well now I've had a chance to use the wonderful little Shear Object you made for me, and what a dream compared to my old make a copy out of my legend, paste to somewhat close where I wanted it (usually on some other page) and then rotate it, then apply text and get it to be placed right...Whew, way glad to be done with that!
Works like a charm. Thank you Thank you.
Tiny bit of news.
Engineer asked for the number in the triangle to be a bit larger. Humm I thought, don't want to bug Paulo unnecessarily again.
So, downloaded the GS gdl ref guide and went searching.
Found the explanation of what set the text height. (I in mm).
Then finally found where that was suppose to go after some trial and error watching things jump around all wrong of course for a while.
But bingo, finally got it.
I'm so proud of myself right now I cant' stand it:-)))))))))))))
Thanks for encouraging me. Now on to massive stair scripts,,,,NOT!
It's all a function of time....
Time,,, it's so relative.
Take care.
Be safe out there.