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Stretchy 2D lines

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I have drawn some lines using LINE2 in my 2D script and I need them to stretch with the size of A&B. I'm guessing I need to use MUL but I have yet to figure out how to use that command. Can anyone enlighten me?

you can use two different ways:
1) with 'mul2 x,y' you can stretch the things behind the command. you can use line2, circle2 or also the fragment2 command. of course the circle will get an ellips, if x and y are not identical. if typical values for a is 2.0 and for b 1.2 then you can script: mul2 a/2.0,b/1.2 ...

2) you can define the elements in dependency to a and b:
line2 0,0,a,0
line2 0,0,0,b
This way is more difficult but sometimes you need more control over the elements.

best regards. gerd
Not applicable
Using the MUL2 I got it to work. I had to use:

MUL2 A*3.25,B*3.25

Which seems odd to me, but at least it works so I'm not complaining.