I actually thought I spoke too soon, as I had to read again what you were originally asking. I did a few tests and tries, and I'm not really sure that what you are trying is possible. The gurus might know better.
In essence, it might sound like it is, but in practice, I really don't know. As I understand, you are trying to get sort of a dynamic GLOB_MODPAR_NAME stored somewhere (either a parameter or variable) and use that to search your parameters and get the value, but that would mean that GDL or the global variable would be open and smart enough to know what kind of value that is (it could be a string, a real value, an angle, a boolean, etc) and that you are using the script to scan your parameters to find a match, and I don't know if that is possible.
Also, like said, the returned value is a string, and AFAIK you can only compare it to other strings that either you specify or know in advance (like your parameters' names). It should be simple with a loop, but just don't know if it can work that way.
Either way, my broad guess is that if you are trying to know what was the last modified parameter, it is because you need to take action according to that last parameter, and you would need some kind of comparison to do it. (IF the_last_parameter_was_this THEN take_this_action)
In my 15min tries couldn't see the light.