Jefferson wrote:
I am attempting my first planting plan for a landscape friend of mine. He's quite excited about he possibility of a 3D rendition.
Ditto Dwight's comments about polygons. At least the ArchiBAM trees have fewer than some, because the folliage is little bitmap images ... but there are a lot of them for some trees.
In your screenshot, you have resolution set to 36. Try something pretty low - like 7 - unless you're really close to the trunks in some of your views.
If you don't need to fly around too much, try the PictBox BAM trees - which are only 2 polygons each, bitmapped.
Unless you need animations, IMHO the easiest way to do this kind of thing is with Piranesi (more so than Photoshop, although I'd use PS too)... since any vegetation image can be brought in as a 'cutout' and placed in the 3D scene with automatic scaling...and awareness of the depth of other objects (so it can be dragged behind a bench, but in front of a wall, for example). Piranesi 4 allows these cutouts to be saved and placed in additional scenes. If you need a 3D tree, Pir 4 also allows 3D objects from almost any 3D format to be brought in as '3d cutouts', and rotated and placed where desired. It's very visual and quick (once you learn it of course) and Pir is useful for 'painting' 2D site/landscaping plans as well.
Just to muddy the waters.
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