About all sorts of licenses, their management, Graphisoft ID, Graphisoft Store, License Manager Tool, etc.

Archicad and sustainablity

Not applicable
Yes,Archicad 11 has better and new features that i really love. First, i like the Function of Ray tracing( which for some strange reason I keep thinking of lily allen's LDN music video) and.... the wonderful features that tie in to google that of sweets and...other local entrepanural people that promote their products. I think the developers at graphisoft and google have out done themselves.. is actually very productive and and efficient

Well, I now see

They even have a sustainable Generic Products section... WOW
IVN wrote:
First, i like the Function of Ray tracing
"ray-tracing" or "trace and reference"?!

(ray-tracing is one of many methods a rendering engine uses to compute its images and has been available in archicad since 9 with lightworks . . .)

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