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Limitations of Archicas 12 student version...

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Hi all,

I'm about to begin my diploma in architecture after finishing my first placement year and am looking forward to returning to using Archicad as the practice I was at used MicroGDS ...

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what limitations the student version of Archicad 12 entails an if the plugins for c4d are available free to students.

Look forward to picking some of the more advanced users brains over the next couple of years!

Thanks in advance.
mark44 wrote:
Sadly we have lost Dr. <b>[censored]</b>
a great shame, but a long time coming, i think? he, dori and roger (yes - tyrell) are/were the only tutors i miss from that place!
By the way Ben, how did you manage to get over to NewZealand?.. Its a place I'd love to live in a few years time. Is it difficult to find work out there and to gain entry?
i hopped on a plane. i've been wandering for a many years now - this is the only place i've washed up that i can't afford to leave again!

(but seriously - it's a great country that still seems to have plenty of work for architects (albeit slowing a little at the moment). architectural designers (not just the fully registered ones) are on both the immediate and long term skills shortage lists: getting a work permit shouldn't be a problem!)

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
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Yeah, it is a real shame. Will miss his quick wit and outside the box approach to things...but good luck to him eh... Hopefully rockin roger will keep us amused in the diploma course.

Hope to do a bit of travelling once I've finished the diploma course and new zealand is near the top of the list...might see about doing some work there for a spell, see what its like!

Anyways, cheers for the advice guys.
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mark44 wrote:
... Hopefully rockin roger will keep us amused in the diploma course....
I have mixed memories of Roger. I generally got on OK with him, but I do remember quite vividly when (perhaps deservingly) he pulled one of my projects in the second year completely apart, and told me I was better off working in a supermarket rather than in architecture, in front of the whole group. Oh how I laughed! Like I really needed humiliating at that point, after being up for two days straight trying to get something presentable finished.

I did speak to him afterwards, and he said he was more disappointed with the standard for the whole year rather than just me, but I didn't think it was the right way to go about expressing that!

Anyway, who is this Dr. censored? He sounds like a Bond villain! I don't recall anyone sitting in their secret lair on top of Portland building plotting world domination.
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Haha, we have all been there and its a potent mix of lack of sleep, too much caffeine and them tearing into something you have spent the last 3 months labouring over...Im surprised there aren't more physical confrontations during reviews... Mine was also in the second year and they also said I was wasting my time on this degree. At the time I was really angry but looking at it now it pushed me to work really hard in the third year to prove them wrong and was worth it in the end. The worst part of it was that one of the tutors who revied me was my studio tutor all year and hadn't mentioned any of the points she made in the review in three months of tutorials...you would have thought your tutor would stand up for you a little and not hang you out to dry...oh well, you live and learn.

Dr. Dick is actually Dr. D ick, the archicad-talk thought police must have censored my profanity... The guy was a hero but would have actually made a really good bond villain...think his office was called the 'ministry of coincidences' and I'm certain a few world domination plots were hatched in there...