Hi all,
I've encountered a problem I do not know how to fix concerning the new AC17 priority based connections.
An example:
Connection where a composite wall and composite floor comes together.
The floor finishing and screed are lower priority materials in relation to the brick walls. Brick walls always cut the screed and floor finishing.
In some cases for example near a entrance door, the floor finishing will make contact with the sill of the door. In plan I draw the floor further between the wall opening against the sill.
Now the brick wall has been cut by the door object (oversize under) but still the floor is cut by it (because of its weaker priority) even when the wall isn't there. There is a opening of a door so normally the floor should be running against the sill.
When a material is cut or even cut with Solid Operations, the priority based connection should not work because that material isn't there.
I hope this make sense, otherwise I'll try to upload some images of the problem.
Anyone encountered the same problem and know a solution?