Karl and Matt,
I can always count on you two to help out!

Well, I am not really sure what is going on, but finding out will be relegated to a side project, as I really need to finish the drawings.

Anyway, It is a solo, and I am not sure what you mean by a last known back up. Is there a feature within archiCAD? Man, keeping up with ArchiCAD

Or do you mean with our server back up? It was working fine before the build, that is what is crazy, and if I did something I am not sure what it was.....those pesky quick keys.... No really, I wonder if it has something to do with the project structure? We are doing an apartment complex. One file is the Site plan, where we have linked all of the building plans, which are in files by building names, and they have linked in them the files called by the unit plans. Views are saved in the unit plans, and some views are saved in the building plans, which are all linked into the Site plan sheet layouts, which contains the entire project layout. BUT little or no problems there....I am working on the community center, in it's own file, and my elevations views are linked onto the sheets in the site plan file. OH, and one more thing....the buildings and community center are linked directly into the site plan for scheduling purposes....Anything there seem amiss? In the mean time I exited without saving, opened it up before regen copied the keys pasted them in the plan, and drew new S/E windows. It was showing as live linked, but everything was exploded. I guess somehow it got corrupted?