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GS clearly does not take the residential architect seriously

This is going to be a RANT. So if you are a full time GS apologist, you might want to move on.

This week I upgraded one of my dongles to AC 12, only one! For the majority of my last 15 years of using AC, I have used it on upper bracket residential projects. During that time I have purchased numerous 3rd party libraries for windows, doors, and furniture....because the AC library has had the same pieces of _ _ _ _ for the last 2000 years!!!

This while applications for significantly less money, mostly on the PC side - darn-it, have had features like cabinets that heal themselves when arranged in the plan, windows that actually don't have trim problems and are based on real US manufacturers, doors that don't have trim problems and are based on real US manufacturers, furniture that doesn't look like a kid with a crayon drew them, extrusions, lathes, and sweeps that can be rotated and adjust in 3D, like Objective can do. Obviously the objects should be location friendly, I don't mean to suggest every country should adopt the US objects as standard.....OK, done being politically correct.

I have personally been told by the GS CEO when v9 was out, that by issuance of v11 there would be a "new" and well sorted out library that would be "thoroughly" tested. BS.....I have v12, and I found problems with the windows after working with them less than 5 minutes.....see the attached image, so you know I'm not blowing smoke.

What the heck does it take for GS to build a decent library? Let me tell you, I will have to go kicking and screaming to Revit, but if thats what it takes to access a decent library, I will consider it. Currently you can't access anything on the Google 3D warehouse directly into AC12, and there is NO indication from GS when we will see the plug-in again, if at all. And if your on the Mac side, forget it, you don't have a prayer as the plug-in only worked on the Windows side of AC.

Obviously, if I have stuck with this program since v4.1 I think it is reasonably good. What I find inexcusable is GS willingness to keep putting out lousy standard library sets. In the world of BIM and Photorealistic renderings, GS should be providing a solid realistic library set.....they are not even close!!!!!

I have forwarded the bug to GS through tech support. I am shocked I found the bugs with the windows in less than 5 minutes of using the AC12. God knows what I will find when I dig in further with the doors.

For what I just spent on an upgrade, I am absolutely torqued at how lacking this library still is. The truth is, even 3rd party libraries are very limited - they hardly exist. Clearly GS has not been successful in getting buy-in from US manufacturers to create libraries the way AutoDesk has with Revit. While there are some very generous users out there that give away some very good objects ( THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU ) the majority of GDL objects available just are not realistic looking or don't stay current with AC.

I have suggested this before, and I will say it again. GS there are some really smart, good GDL gurus out there. Get off your wallet and hire these people to ONLY design objects or work with manufacturers of real Plumbing Fixtures, Light Fixtures, Doors, Windows, Furniture, etc....and pay them to test the objects thoroughly. I'm guessing a 1 million dollar investment in the libraries would yield something far superior to what you provide now....I guess 50 dollars might do that as well

.....hey Mr. Gallello - you getting any of this?
Robert Mariani
MARIANI design studio, PLLC
Architecture / Architectural Photography

Mac OSX 13.1
AC 24 / 25 / 26
123 REPLIES 123
Thomas Holm
Braza wrote:
So... your car isn't a volvo, right?
This is a 1966 Volvo Amazon. (T)rust me
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1
Who needs rust proofing in Brazil?

We still have plenty of the 1966 Volvo "Canadian" models, here.
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable
Thomas wrote:
(T)rust me
Not applicable
Another Systems Tool in the offing!
Not applicable
I have just returned to Australia after 4 years in the Middle East where I occasionally used v8.5 for concept design work. Now I am back and using v11 (about to upgrade to v12) having skipped 10 and 11. I am amazed at the lack of progress with the library- virtually the same library as v8.5

As a designer I am more interested in the fenestration aesthetics rather than who will manufacturer it so that Ralph Wessel’s modular joinery part is of great interest to me – and yes it is something graphisoft should have already introduced.

Perhaps during documentation library parts from actual manufacturers’ could prove handy such as Stegbar windows or Caroma sanitary ware but during design I am more interested in achieving the right ‘look’. To this end I have custom made many library parts because archicad’s one don’t fit the bill. I once made a competent freestanding Kohler bath (the ones that used to cost U$10k a pop) for a high end hotel project although I can’t remember how, probably using the profile tool – my skills are a little rusty but are returning

Generic highly customable objects are the way to go – I have had a brief play with v12 and the curtain wall tool looks very promising.

The firm I am now with has over 1000 CAD seats globally, mostly autocad but with a good proportion of archicad licences or archicad trained people. The I.T. people are looking very carefully at Revit so Graphisoft should not rest on their laurels.

I am a long term archicad user and advocate since v4.5 so have a lot of vested interest in staying with it but ultimately I will use the software that allows me to design the buildings how I want them to look.
Not applicable
Welcome to Architalk Harry.
Harry wrote:
Perhaps during documentation library parts from actual manufacturers’ could prove handy such as Stegbar windows or Caroma sanitary ware but during design I am more interested in achieving the right ‘look’.
That's the point Harry... Sooner or later we will all need market oriented objects.
Two main ideas we can extract from this thread:
First: GS should bring a generic highly parametric door/window/object library...
Second: GS should create a "Public Library" where the community (including manufacturers) could upload their objects under a "GS Object Creating Protocol".

Good luck.
Not applicable
Cadimage Door and Window builder already attempts to be the all-in-one generic object maker and should be the default in ArchiCAD. It would be nice if both archicad and Cadimage would go the extra step to easily allow import of MFG's parameter data sets so we can insert "real" products in our building models. The stuff ArchiCAD has in their library is embarassing.

cheers Cary
Stephen Dolbee
Cary wrote:
Cadimage Door and Window builder already attempts to be the all-in-one generic object maker and should be the default in ArchiCAD.
I have felt this way for years!
AC19(9001), 27" iMac i7, 12 gb ram, ATI Radeon HD 4850 512mb, OS 10.12.6
Well it is clear by the amount of good discourse on this thread that GS has missed the mark on "trying" to address the needs of architects with the supplied GS libraries, in particular the Door and Window libraries are flawed at best.

I cannot speak to any version other than the US version library. After installing the latest library "fix", inside of 3 minutes of using it, if GS worked on the doors and windows libraries, they made them even more problematic than in the first AC12 release.

Some examples:

input dialogue boxes don't match US terminology in many cases. On trim, generally the thinnest dimension is called "thickness" not "width".

Outside trim is fixed relative to its location on the frame and extends toward the window instead of the opposite direction.....what is GS thinking, does anyone check these objects?????

Interior trim input affects interior jamb extensions.....again, is anyone checking these library parts.

GS, it is not the job of your customers to keep debugging your pathetic library parts, thats what we allegedly pay for you to do.

This week I had two very disturbing phone calls, one to my reseller who has now explained to me in the US GS does not offer tech support your reseller does.

Then I spoke with GS US about the problems with the numerous problems with the US library. He apologized in a genuine manner, and said he has heard form MANY US architects about the poor state of the libraries, unfortunately he has no solution at this time but to forward our concerns to GS corporate.

US Architects, and those of you around the world that see the same problems.......Flood GS with your concerns about the libraries next week ASAP.

Next week GS is holding a meeting with its distributers, I believe Budapest. They no dought will be focusing on how to sell you more subscriptions and new boxes of AC. I feel pretty confident, given GS history that they won't be focusing on fixing the libraries. Let them hear you next week!!!

I just don't understand how GS completely misses the importance of delivering current, market appropriate, well sorted out libraries which is fundamental to the success of a BIM application
Robert Mariani
MARIANI design studio, PLLC
Architecture / Architectural Photography

Mac OSX 13.1
AC 24 / 25 / 26
Not applicable
I guess it's time for me to weigh in too. Is it too much to ask why we cannot get reasonable, useable objects to make real projects? Fourteen years of using the standard parts because the time constraints of running a sole practice seemed to be that using the program and it's parts was a good strategy - incorrect. I'm now past the time of my life to spend several years to develop specialized parts or invest in third party libraries - so what is a practitioner to do?

AC can you not find the resources to invest in properly functioning elements, not just libraries but the operational parts of the program that are not functioning to the best level possible? Please?