ares997 wrote:
Alright all I am pointing out is on 1st os last month at 1100 adsk stock fell for whatever reason then rose up and feel a few weeks later.
After a heavy night of drinking, someone sees a pre-dawn twinkle in the sky while rising to relieve himself. He get excited and pulls out the videocam and turns the 40x digital zoom on full so the image transfixes him with magnificent atmospheric aberrations of red, green and blue, and he calls the UFOBC Hotline to report an alien craft.
As an experienced UFO investigator, I visit the guy and see his video, knowing full well that what he saw at 4 AM was the planet Venus [world's number one UFO, just ahead of oncoming aircraft landing lights seen from far away]. I let the guy talk: "mother ship… bay doors opening… lookit them colors… see them waving at me… Hoolee!"
So naturally, the guy wants to save face after I show the star chart and he says "We can't be sure. They could come again, dang it."
Now, you don't want to challenge a UFO sighter too directly since it jeopardizes a source of wacky stories and risks assault. Challenge a saucer nut by asking for evidence or simple facts, even, and you risk banishment: "Infidel! Get out of my double-wide and don't come back!"
But you, since youall are down in Texas, I can challenge.
Without a shred of evidence or science, earlier today you said:
" If Archicad isn't a threat to Autodesk and their market share than I must be confused…
Yes Autodesk is affected by Graphisoft and yes the stock has been stifled during the release of information regarding AC13…
Does it upset you that Archicad might be able to shake the tree a little. Or do you actually believe that the software and the company that you support isn't able to affect the 600 lb gorilla? "
The only conclusion from this statement is: earlier you believed that the Archicad release caused the Autodesk stock price dip and not for "whatever reason" as you state now.
For Dwight's wacky UFO interview downloads:
black helicopters
a man with a worm in his leg
woman converses with Pleiadians
guy is a poltergeist
Estelle explains the Raelian Embassy project
And a real kicker: 90 Mb download, a 12 minute documentary on a man missing three hours:
Three Missing Hours
Dwight Atkinson