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Wall finish - how to use it?

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Hello experts!

I saw a number of GDL objects, e.g. wall finish. By it's properties and name I guess it should be used as interior decoration for the walls. I would place at a wall and it covers the wall with holes for windows and doors. But it does not work that way. It appears as fixed width thing with fixed openings. Is it how it should be? Than what is that thing for? Or it should be placed some special way?

Thank you very much in advance!
Not applicable

- Draw a wall
- Draw a window
- Select the wall
- Extras / Accessories / Wall Accessories -> 'Mouldings & Panels'
- Set parameters as wanted
- Press 'OK'
- Notice the 'eye' cursor symbol
- Click on the side of the wall you want to 'accessorize'
- View in 3d !

HTH - Stuart