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About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

how to rotate a wall in elevation?

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Hi archi-fellas, i am trying to make a wall as in the fololowing picture but i really do not know how to rotate it to bring it in that form... i can see that only in the plan view i can rotate it

ok so if this way does not work is there any other way to do it? i found the conoid thing in the basic shapes of the objects library but it is only half of what i want and im afraid that if i resize it to the proportions of a wall i will encounter problems with the snap points...
if this is possible using the curtain wall tool, i can also try that but in the tutorials i found only simple things are solved
thank you
mlegs wrote:
Hi archi-fellas, i am trying to make a wall as in the fololowing picture but i really do not know how to rotate it to bring it in that form... i can see that only in the plan view i can rotate it
Take a look at OBJECTiVE. You can quickly make and rotate (in elevation) a profiled object like this in seconds. Referring to the attached image:
  • 1. Draw the profile cross-section with the Fill tool and make a new profile with OBJECTiVE > Component > New Profile. This profile can then be bent to the required curve in plan.

    2. View the object in elevation, and rotate it with OBJECTiVE > Tools > Rotate. It works in the same way as ArchiCAD's 2D rotation, but rotates the object in 3D.

    3. The completed rotation in elevation

    4. The completed rotation in plan.

Rotate Cone.jpg
Ralph Wessel BArch
Central Innovation
Not applicable
thanks but i was looking for somthing that can be made within archicad.. not with an external thing and 1-month valid
mlegs wrote:
thanks but i was looking for somthing that can be made within archicad.. not with an external thing and 1-month valid
I'm not sure if you meant "within ArchiCAD" or "without extending ArchiCAD", but the above example was done entirely within ArchiCAD. OBJECTiVE is an add-on, but it produces (and works with) standard GDL objects, i.e. they work with ArchiCAD alone.
Ralph Wessel BArch
Central Innovation
Not applicable
ok i succeded in starting something with Objective but i have some questions:
1) So first of all i wonder why does the floor plan view show me the entire object i created, and not only from the cut plane level . See? the object is not cut by the cut plane
In the section view i can see the object cutted when i make a section through it wich is normal . I set the floor plan cut plane properly .
2) after i make a roof and trim the object to it, it will (again) show me the entire object in plan. Shouldn't it suppose to show me what got out after the "trim to roof" operation? ... there is something wrong with the plan because in elevation everything works great
i saw this happening when trying to use walls also instead of object

3) Can i make some holes (openings) in this objects i create with Objective?

please help me i have a very hard project.
Thank you.
mlegs wrote:
1) So first of all i wonder why does the floor plan view show me the entire object i created, and not only from the cut plane level .
The objects simply display a top-down view of the entire object.
mlegs wrote:
2) after i make a roof and trim the object to it, it will (again) show me the entire object in plan.
Don't bother setting up roofs etc for cutting the object - just use OBJECTiVE's Split tool. Referring to the attached image:
  • 1. Select the object, use the menu OBJECTiVE > Tools > Split, trace the cut line over the object (like ArchiCAD's 2D Split), and click on the side to remain selected.

    2. The offcut can be deleted or moved as required.

    3. You can continue splitting from any section/elevation/plan view.

    4. The plan view shows the true form.

    5. The same in 3D.
mlegs wrote:
3) Can i make some holes (openings) in this objects i create with Objective?
That depends on the type of profile and the nature of the opening - elevation profiles will be typically drawn with the holes included, others can be cut with the Split tool, or use SEOs.
Split Cone.jpg
Ralph Wessel BArch
Central Innovation
Not applicable
Dear Ralpfh,
Can you explain with Videotutorial (Youtube) in the future, or the right example above?
You explained very nice with drawings, but it is still very hard to understand the tool.

Markus wrote:
Can you explain with Videotutorial (Youtube) in the future, or the right example above?
You can see these tools in action by viewing the videos on the product page:
Ralph Wessel BArch
Central Innovation
Not applicable
Ralph wrote:
Markus wrote:
Can you explain with Videotutorial (Youtube) in the future, or the right example above?
You can see these tools in action by viewing the videos on the product page:
I've seen it already. But it is quite not enough to know the full power oft the tool.
It is just my sugestion. Anyway I thank you for your support.
Not applicable
The objects simply display a top-down view of the entire object.
So there is no way i can see these objects cutted by the floor plan? i meant to work with these objects at large scale for example to make a wall out of it...