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shadows on site plan

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hi. can anybody tell me how can i see shadows in the ground floor of my project? in sections and elevations, i can choose whether or not to show shadows by selecting the option in the elevation or section settings. how can i do this for plans? thank you very much. pd: i am working with archicad 11.0.

enrique silva
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I suggest you do a search (top row of buttons) for "shadows plan" or similar. Its been explained many times with different techniques.

V12 has another reason to upgrade too see archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=129879&highlight=shadows+plan#129879

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Maurice_S wrote:
I suggest you do a search (top row of buttons) for "shadows plan" or similar. Its been explained many times with different techniques.

V12 has another reason to upgrade too see archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=129879&highlight=shadows+plan#129879


i've requested for more steps at that post

but no one replied me yet

because i still can not understand what the procedure is

please help again!!