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FR2 or Maxwell : The Christmas decision

Hi Guy's,
I've got an interesting internal rendering job to work on over the Christmas break and I want to look at upgrading my rendering software. I currently use C4D advance render (9.1) but I'm sick and tired of tweeking the radiosity setting and waiting overnight to look at artifact riddled images.
Maxwell has sooo much promise but is unworkable (I believe) at the moment and FR2 produces great images quickly but apparently also requires a significant amount of 'tweeking' to acheive good results.
Any current users have any comments??
Any insite would be appreciated.
Warwick Lloyd-Martin
3 D E N V I R O N M E N T
Windows 11 Pro 64bit
ArchiCad 4.55>27 AUS
Lumion 12.5/2023
D5 Render
Not applicable
Sorry for the obviously silly question, but what is FR2?
Sorry Kliment, Final render Stage 2 was released for C4D a few months ago as one of the few 3rd stage renderers. It was big news for us C4D users as we didn't really have any other chooses apart from C4D's inbuilt Advance Render module and the promise of Maxwell.
Judging by your listed software, you have a much larger chose of renderers. (you lucky thing )
Warwick Lloyd-Martin
3 D E N V I R O N M E N T
Windows 11 Pro 64bit
ArchiCad 4.55>27 AUS
Lumion 12.5/2023
D5 Render
Not applicable
Tough decision. You can still buy Maxwell's RC version for about half price of $495. The only thing is that it doesn't work too well yet....too long a story to tell here. We also use FormZ and purchased the Maxwell beta version to use as a FZ plug-in....the images produced by the alpha and beta versions are just astounding. Next Limit is claiming 1000% increase in speed for complicated scenes with their new engine...however, IMO for all practical purposes it's not working right now I agree that's it's not quite selecting three buttons, and voila! Since I've used it only inside FormZ and am familiar with it's Renderzone rendering interface (same Lightworks rendering engine as Archicad), it was in the beta version easy to use and doesn't require a virtual rocket scientist to figure out, unfortunately, the RC version of the plug-in in not working yet.
I think that the greatest advantage of using Maxwell Render 1.0 (even curent RC versions ) is the Maxwell Studio included inside the package, you can simply export to 3ds from archicad and import to M~R studio apply materials position the building , set the sun and voila, also the speed has increased significantly from beta its just those d*** bugs still a problemo,

i talk about M~Studio since i dont see archicad M~R addon comming in the near future (the current AC plugin doesnt work at all with any of alpha,beta or RC versions), so either you'll need to use 3D max or other Highend 3D soft. or simply import your AC exported .3ds file

o and one interesting thing about 3D max M~R plugin it includes import of .kml files from Keyhole or Google earth so now you dont have to be smart and know all the lattitudes and longtitudes of the spot you're renderin

the easy setup of the scene is the greatest thing of all especialy for exteriors, when you need to use interior lightning its a bit of pain since youll need to think and "construct" path of light inside the scene if you're using special photometric efects from light, i belive that in the near future there will be a huge Maxwell material and light models library for sharing between the users .... same as the vray community has.

happy new year to all
Gezim Radoniqi | Architect | BIM Manager @ 4MGroup
ArchiCAD user since version 6
AMD Ryzen 3950X CPU, 64 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 3060 12GB
Not applicable
For maxwell there is the archicad add-on for win for export to maxwell... the mac add-on is on the way.

See here (in italian):



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