About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Multi-Machine Renderings- experience?

Not applicable

I've read a few topics on multi-machine rendering but none so far addressed my question:

I've got a few (5-7) SMP dualies sitting around, just needing something to do. I can network (Star-ring or?) them together with something like Ubuntu or even x86 (winXP or 2k or some server edition) and link them even all as one PC in linux...

I know some 3rd party rendering apps will recognize them, and some won't (not without special code of work-arounds like making them one machine via linux)...some rendering apps can make use of networked machines, others must be assigned different frames, etc... I'll figure all that out as I go. Mostly I'm looking for advice from current users of multi-rendering systems.....

Anyone on here doing this right now or has this set up or will I be the first one to post how to do it, pitfalls, do and don't do, etc., etc.,etc...

IF it matters, I've not decided on what renderer to use, though probably Maxwell or Vray for the end results, but Lightworks is where I usually start simply because I'm most familiar with it while using AC so far (Vray from 3dsMAX, etc).
