Don't know how this is still not a thing. Why do sections and elevations have 'Auto-rebuild' and 'Manual rebuild' where as details and worksheets are converted to dumb fills and lines?? This means you essentially can't add detailing like dimensions, labels or annotations to a floor plan callout with out checking it every time a change is made on the associated floor plan. Making them consistent with floor plans, sections, elevations should be a simple fix and a huge benefit to users.
Additional info:
I've seen work around for dimensioning by using hotspots, as listed here:
This is a horrible workaround as your dimensions are not linked to model elements and do not update accordingly.
Our current work around is also horrible. We place a worksheet marker on the drawing, then save a floor plan view at 1:50 and place a 'background fill' around everything except the worksheet callout boundary. We then have seperate layers used for dimensioning that callout. Its messy, you can't have callouts close together, and display orders also become an issue.