Improved Distance Guides


When placing door/window favorites from the Norwegian .tpl, we encounter an issue with Distance Guides: measurements refer to the edge of the window frame instead of the window opening. Since we standardize measurements based on the window opening, with a 15 mm tolerance for the frame, this causes a discrepancy.

Due to our default favorite settings, this results in a 15 mm difference, which is frustrating. We either have to adjust all our favorites or manually account for the extra 15 mm when placing door/windows. This worked perfectly with the experimental feature in AC27.

Our Requests:

  1. Add an Option to Choose Measurement Reference:
    Allow Distance Guides to measure from either the frame or the opening. This would significantly improve workflows.
  2. Simplify Measurement Reference Adjustments:
    Currently, the tool always refers to the reference line when placing door/windows, regardless of the “To Edges” or “To Ref. Line” setting. A more intuitive way to switch between reference points—such as a hotkey—would be highly beneficial.

Thank you for your consideration.


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