since ‎2006-10-23

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  • 81 Posts
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Hi!We are setting up a detail library: our current setup is that the detail library is a teamwork file full of independent details, and each independent detail's ID contains a unique code that helps us find details so that they can be linked into fut...
Hi! Our typical setup: Most of our projects are large, multi-building projects, so we typically put each building in it's own teamwork file, and we hotlink each building file into a "master site Teamwork file" to create the site plan. Our goal: We wo...
Hi! We are having a problem when we turn on the window sills. If I enable a 5" window sill, the window stays the same size, but the sill makes the transparent area 5" smaller. (Please see the attached screenshot.) But this makes it wrong on elevation...
Hi, Several people in our office have noticed an annoying intermittent problem. Sometimes when we go into the object tool settings dialog and search for an object (such as "WC" for WC 20 or "Cab" for any of the cabinets), no results are found. (In th...
Hi! Today we noticed that our sheet index is sorting the sheets in a strange way, but here is the kicker: sorting is turned off in the index settings! (Please see the attached screenshots.) I have no idea what criteria it is using to sort the sheets ...
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