Thanx for sharing your exprience Elliott, I have GPU render software, so
I was thinking about Xeons for multithreaded tasks... but, as indeed you
are saying, a lot of tasks are still singlethreaed (withing ArchiCAD)..
I'll probably stick to i7 as wel...
NCornia wrote: We actively discuss the need for more flexible story
handling between project files. I will add your post to our next meeting
about desired features. Thank you for the post. Best regards, IS there
any news on this to be adjusted in fut...
hi guys, I am also trying to figure out i7 versus xeon choice. Favouring
cpu all depends on the workflow... not only for one program lilke
ArchiCAD, but for all important programs on that PC. My main workflow is
with ArchiCAD using OctaneRender and C...
Erwin wrote:We only use BIMx to preview the speed and motion of the
flythrough, rather rendering it out without checking, which can take a
very long time. Aah, yes that's a good way to show preview of path to