License Delivery maintenance is expected to occur on Saturday, November 30, between 8 AM and 11 AM CET. This may cause a short 3-hours outage in which license-related tasks: license key upload, download, update, SSA validation, access to the license pool and Graphisoft ID authentication may not function properly. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

AC23 API_OpeningType

While experimenting with creating/updating a API_OpeningType element with AC23 sdk, i encountered some anomalies as described below.
1. AddOn examples called "Element_Test" has a function "Do_CreateOpening" that does not work. Looking further i found that ACAPI_Element_Get crashes for API_OpeningType

API_Element			element;
BNClear (element);
element.header.typeID = API_WallID;
element.header.guid = wallGuid;
err = ACAPI_Element_Get (&element);
This will crash AC23.

2. White creating an wall opening with ACAPI_Element_Create function we cannto set the the API_Guid of element with a custom string. This is possible with other elements such as Wall, Beam etc.

3. While updating an existing opening, extrusionGeometryData.frame.basePoint co-ordinates cannot be modified. There is no indication in api documentation whether extrusionGeometryData.frame is immutable.

I am not sure if this is the right forum to discuss/report these issues. Any comments/suggestions will be helpful.
