2017-07-20 11:15 AM - last edited on 2022-12-06 02:03 PM by Daniel Kassai
2017-07-20 01:39 PM
DimRad wrote:Hi,
Hello dear ArchiCAD developers!
Recently have problem with ACAPI_Element_SolidOperation_Create() function in my add-on and ElementTest: Solid Operations example.
I try to intersect 2 morphs that created by user from main ArchiCAD thread (creation without API). Function throw error -2130313215 APIERR_GENERAL: General error code. Both 2 Morph elements haven't changes (they exist in initial view) after that command.
Post code below:
GSErrCode clRDArchiM::RD_SolidOperation ()
GS::GSErrCode err_local = GS::NoError; // Init Error code
API_ElemTypeID typeID;
API_Guid guid_Target, guid_Operator;
GS::Array<API_Guid> guid_Results;
if (!ClickAnElem ("Click on a solid operation target", API_MorphID, NULL, &typeID, &guid_Target)) {
WriteReport_Alert ("No element was clicked.");
return err_local;
if (!ClickAnElem ("Click on a solid operator element", API_MorphID, NULL, &typeID, &guid_Operator)) {
WriteReport_Alert ("No element was clicked.");
return err_local;
err_local = ACAPI_CallUndoableCommand ("Solid Operation intersection",[&] () -> GSErrCode {
return ACAPI_Element_SolidOperation_Create(guid_Target, guid_Operator, APISolid_Intersect, &guid_Results);
if (err_local != NoError)
if (err_local == APIERR_NO3D)
WriteReport_Alert ("Solid operation targets and operators can be freeshape elements only.");
WriteReport_Alert ("ACAPI_Element_SolidOperation_Create failed: %d", err_local);
return err_local;
Please help me in this problem. Thank You!
2017-07-20 02:01 PM
2017-07-24 12:58 PM
DimRad wrote:That update hasn't been published yet, sorry.
Oh, it's wonderfull! 'Cause I spend a week reading documentation and debugging code thinking it's my bug.
But here is another question - where can I download latest ArchiCAD 20 update 6529? On International site I see only build 6005 and on Russian localization site 5025.
Thank You in advance!