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Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

Active selection/selection order?



I have a question regarding the ACAPI_Selection_Select.


In archicad if I have a morph and an object and I select the morph first then the object, I'll have 2 selections and the object will be the active so if I press CTRl+T i get the object settings. Like this:



However no matter what how and in what order I give an object and a morph to the ACAPI_Selection_Select, the morph will be always the active one. I tried it with seperate selects, tried it withing the same select but in the array with different order and always the morph came out as the active one.

Ralph Wessel

Have you tried calling ACAPI_Selection_Select twice, once with just the first element and then again with just the second (and setting the 'add' parameter of ACAPI_Selection_Select to 'true')?

Ralph Wessel BArch
Central Innovation