Hello everyone,
Is it possible to add a property to a non-element object like a components (parts of a composite wall or slab) ?
I've found this method which allow to add a property to element : ACAPI_Property_AddProperty (API_PropertyDefinition& definition, const GS::Array<API_Guid>& elemGuids)
When i check which object is an element, components are not : https://graphisoft.github.io/archicad-api-devkit/union_a_p_i___element.html
My goal is to try to add property to the component itself so when I export an IFC, each IfcBuildingElementPart has it's own parameter value which can be different for each layer.
For what I know, only 3 things can be obtained about components:
- The ID (API_ComponentID) not a GUID, it's the number in the compound structure.
- The 3D geometry (API_Component3D) but I've never tried.
- The quantity (API_CompositeQuantity).
But I hope I'm wrong and that we can do more things, like manipulate properties.
Virone Lorenzo