On 2d window (plan database APIWind_FloorPlanID) i can change dimension's text.
But on ihterior elevation window (database APIWind_InteriorElevationID) dimension element (API_DimensionID) just disappears.
even if no change memo:
BNZeroMemory (&ememo, sizeof (API_ElementMemo));
err = ACAPI_Element_GetMemo (elem.header.guid, &ememo);
// err == 0!
err = ACAPI_Element_ChangeMemo (elem.header.guid, APIMemoMask_All,&ememo);
// err == 0!
The elements of dimensions that are not tied to the elements - changes.
The elements of dimensions than tied to the drawed in this window (lines and so on) elements - changes.
But tied to the projected elements just disappear.
Example ElementTest on API Dev Kit work alsow wrong (attached picture).
What I must to do on elevation window for dimension element not