I've been poring over the panel_test example, and looking over some previous posts on adding custom panels.
http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=14581http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=17180I understand the panel_text example well enough to have added a panel for the type of element I'm interested in. I'm having two problems:
1- The width is...very wide. Several screens wide at 1280x1024. Even after unloading the add-on. The only way to reset the panel's width is to start a new project with default settings. I used the same dimensions in my resource file that the panel_test example uses(in fact, it's still the same dialog resource spec entirely):
0 0 444 50
x y dx dy
2-I think I've run into a variation of the bug spoken of in the first thread above. If I load an Add-On with a custom settings panel, it shows. If I exit AC and come back, it will not be visible for the elements until I unload and then reload the Add-On. I know it was initialized, though, because of my breakpoints and the fact that the Add-On's menu shows up. Obviously, I can't require users to unload and reload the Add-On each time they start AC.
Can anyone comment on using DGCreateBlankTabPage to create non-resource based panels? There are no examples of this much more flexible method of doing panels.
Given the difficulty of working with dialogs in the SDK, is it perhaps better to sacrifice cross-platform compatibility and use the dialog designer in Visual Studio? As much as I like the idea of the add-on working on both, the reality is that it will only be used on Windows at present. The downside would be that it doesn't look like part of AC...
One last thing to dev support subscribers: is the paid support from GS able to really help with issues like this, or are they just limitations of the SDK whether you have support or not? The users here seem very knowledgeable, so I'm wondering if there are extra examples or documentation to be had by subscribing.