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Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

GDL-API communication wishes

I would like to offer for discussion two wishes for the future version. ( If it is allowed and is welcomed here. )

1) I would like to have a feature of a communication channel between GDL script and an addon.
Actually I used such approach in one big project using intermediate GDL addon and it works well. But AFAIK the GDL API will out so it
would be well to have the feature built-in.

GDL objects often are a part of an addon and closely cooperate with it. We have only a unilateral way - to pass the data to an object filling its parameters. However there is a necessity and other interaction when the object could request some data from an addon owning it. It allows objects dynamically to change the view needlessly to update objects on the floor plan. It will allow to do some complex calculations in an addon or vise versa - do some scripting tasks in the GDL macros. It may to reduce dependence of the addon on object parameters set. And other advantages.

If Graphisoft will be interested to introduce this feature we could discuss possible implementations.
Some ideas and acceptable limitations.
- GDL will use INPUT/OUTPUT for data exchange. (record and field should be passed to an addon's handler procedure)
- The addon should be keeped in memory by the developer that GDL OPEN could be connected.
- It is possible strictly forbid to call any (or most) API functions during processing of a GDL request. Addon may have all data ready.

2) It would be useful to read the element UserData from its GDL scripts.
Certainly it needs to introduce some simple rules for the attached data so "reader" will know types and a platform to read and do Mac/Win conversion.
Fabrizio Diodati
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
Ok, I don’t think this should be the goal of this Forum (or at least I didn’t get this feeling) but I want to stand near the kind Oleg and provide GS also with my API wishes list.

Just some ideas in order to don’t let Oleg alone…

The first two, let me call them general dreams:
1. API should have access to any ArchiCAD fields/functions: basically any thing the user can get from ArchiCAD should be possible to get using the API.
2. API should work also inside PlotMaker: current limitation are unbelievable! Till now we only could develop add-on for IN-OUT function: I want to also have the issue to develop tool for PlotMaker (let’s think about 2D improvement or whatever we want). (I’m using an old wishes list, I didn’t write it just for this occasion so now that probably PM will be integrated into ArchiCAD this dream will become the reality… at least I hope!)

One “specific” dream:
GS started to think, some year ago, about the issue to provide the Third Party Developer with the issue to “access”, in some way, to the ArchiCAD dongle in order to protect their add-ons.
This first idea not only hasn’t been develop anymore but, from what I know, it has been totally dismissed.
Anybody develops software would like to protect it (GS does the same with ArchiCAD) and we really need the opportunity to do something to protect our job.

A simple, very simple dream… maybe it could sound silly but it could be very useful (and not so difficult to implement for GS).
We need the issue to create/handle our own set of cursor shape!
GS should know how much important is the visual feedback during the input (GS was one of the first to provide the user with this issue!) . Actually we can use only the cursor shape coming from ArchiCAD and due to the several different/specific filed that a “special” API solution can face this limited set is really too much limited.
The workaround to “build” our own cursor using the rubber line is only a workaround and we cannot consider it as a professional solution.

An impossible dream (but it could be possible…).
Actually I developed 14 add-ons (not counting the first releases) and a lot of time I have had to “waste” my time by developing some functions already are inside ArchiCAD.
The API environment provides us with the issue to communicate between different add-ons: my dream is to have the possibility to do some thing using the standard ArchiCAD add-ons (I mean those ones developed by GS and provided with ArchiCAD) without the need to develop the same functions once again. Just a simple example: ArchiTiles creates its own interior elevations because I couldn’t take advantage from the current Interior Elevation tool inside ArchiCAD… Just a way to save time!

Last but not least the “continuous” dream: what everybody asked, is asking and, unfortunately, will continue to ask… BETTER DOCUMENTATION!
I suppose GS is monitoring the “public” developer forum inside ArchiCAD-Talk… if this is the truth… this dream doesn’t need more explanation.

Just to start…

Fabrizio Diodati
Graphisoft Italy Srl | Via Rossignago 2/A Spinea Venezia 30038 Italy
Karl Ottenstein
Great lists! 😉 Sorry I don't have time to comment/add right now...

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